BBa_B0011 1 BBa_B0011 LuxICDABEG (+/-) 2003-01-31T12:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:07:20Z Derived from luxICDABEG operon terminator of Vibrio fischeri <genbank>AF170104</genbank>. Released HQ 2013 Bidirectional transcriptional terminator consisting of a 22 bp stem-loop.</p> false false _1_ 0 24 7 In stock false <P> <P>In the naturally-occuring sequence there is a mismatch in the stem of the stem loop. This can be corrected via an A-&gt;G mutation (at position 40 -- sequence coordinate/not MFOLD coordinate). The above sequence does not reflect this mutation (but the MFOLD image does). This terminator's location cannot be found using some inverted repeat detectors like PALINDROME because it is too short and contains a mismatch. This one was found with the help of Tom Knight. It lies between two coding regions that point towards eachother.<P> true Reshma Shetty annotation7019 1 BBa_B0011 range7019 1 1 46 annotation1683 1 stem_loop range1683 1 13 35 BBa_C0011 1 BBa_C0011 ccdB gene from <I> E. coli </I> 2005-11-08T12:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:07:23Z Released HQ 2013 ccdB is the toxin in a toxin/antitoxin pair. We use it as a default insert in vectors to kill vectors that religate back on themselves in standard assembly. This coding region starts at a later ATG than J08001. true true _11_6_ 0 135 6 Discontinued false false Barry Canton BBa_B0034 1 BBa_B0034 RBS (Elowitz 1999) -- defines RBS efficiency 2003-01-31T12:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:07:20Z Released HQ 2013 RBS based on Elowitz repressilator. false true _1_ 0 24 7 In stock false Varies from -6 to +1 region from original sequence to accomodate BioBricks suffix. <p>No secondary structures are formed in the given RBS region. Users should check for secondary structures induced in the RBS by upstream and downstream elements in the +50 to -50 region, as such structures will greatly affect the strength of the RBS. Contact info for this part: <a href="mailto:(">Brian Chow</a> true Vinay S Mahajan, Voichita D. Marinescu, Brian Chow, Alexander D Wissner-Gross and Peter Carr IAP, 2003. annotation23325 1 conserved range23325 1 5 8 BBa_I10042 1 BBa_I10042 Toxic protein generator 2006-04-03T11:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:07:29Z Generator of toxic protein ccdB. true false _89_ 0 618 89 Discontinued false false John Healy component1832169 1 BBa_B0011 component1832164 1 BBa_C0011 component1832162 1 BBa_B0034 annotation1832162 1 BBa_B0034 range1832162 1 1 12 annotation1832169 1 BBa_B0011 range1832169 1 333 378 annotation1832164 1 BBa_C0011 range1832164 1 19 324 BBa_B0034_sequence 1 aaagaggagaaa BBa_I10042_sequence 1 aaagaggagaaatactagatgcagtttaaggtttacacctataaaagagagagccgttatcgtctgtttgtggatgtacagagtgatattattgacacgcccgggcgacggatggtgatccccctggccagtgcacgtctgctgtcagataaagtctcccgtgaactttacccggtggtgcatatcggggatgaaagctggcgcatgatgaccaccgatatggccagtgtgccggtctccgttatcggggaagaagtggctgatctcagccaccgcgaaaatgacatcaaaaacgccattaacctgatgttctggggaatataatactagagagagaatataaaaagccagattattaatccggcttttttattattt BBa_C0011_sequence 1 atgcagtttaaggtttacacctataaaagagagagccgttatcgtctgtttgtggatgtacagagtgatattattgacacgcccgggcgacggatggtgatccccctggccagtgcacgtctgctgtcagataaagtctcccgtgaactttacccggtggtgcatatcggggatgaaagctggcgcatgatgaccaccgatatggccagtgtgccggtctccgttatcggggaagaagtggctgatctcagccaccgcgaaaatgacatcaaaaacgccattaacctgatgttctggggaatataa BBa_B0011_sequence 1 agagaatataaaaagccagattattaatccggcttttttattattt igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z