BBa_B0012 1 BBa_B0012 TE from coliphageT7 2003-01-31T12:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:07:20Z Derived from the TE terminator of T7 bacteriophage between Genes 1.3 and 1.4 <genbank>V01146</genbank>. Released HQ 2013 Transcription terminator for the <i>E.coli</i> RNA polymerase. false false _1_ 0 24 7 In stock false <P> <P>Suggested by Sri Kosuri and Drew Endy as a high efficiency terminator. The 5' end cutoff was placed immediately after the TAA stop codon and the 3' end cutoff was placed just prior to the RBS of Gene 1.4 (before AAGGAG).<P> Use anywhere transcription should be stopped when the gene of interest is upstream of this terminator. false Reshma Shetty annotation1687 1 stop range1687 1 34 34 annotation1690 1 polya range1690 1 28 41 annotation1686 1 T7 TE range1686 1 8 27 annotation7020 1 BBa_B0012 range7020 1 1 41 BBa_R0062 1 lux pR Promoter (luxR & HSL regulated -- lux pR) 2003-01-31T12:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:14:15Z <em>V. fischeri</em> Released HQ 2013 Promoter activated by LuxR in concert with HSL</p> <p>The lux cassette of V. fischeri contains a left and a right promoter. The right promoter gives weak constitutive expression of downstream genes.This expression is up-regulated by the action of the LuxR activator protein complexed with the autoinducer, 3-oxo-hexanoyl-HSL. Two molecules of LuxR protein form a complex with two molecules of the signalling compound homoserine lactone (HSL). This complex binds to a palindromic site on the promoter, increasing the rate of transcription. false true _1_ 0 24 7 In stock false <P> <P>This promoter is based on the <em>Vibrio fischeri </em>quorum sensing gene promoters. Two genes LuxI and LuxR and transcribed in opposite directions as shown below. The original sequence from which the parts <bb_part>BBa_R0062</bb_part> and <bb_part>BBa_R0063</bb_part> were derived is shown in the picture below. <p><img src="<bb_file>Image1.gif</bb_file>" width="614" height="362"><P> true Vinay S Mahajan, Voichita D. Marinescu, Brian Chow, Alexander D Wissner-Gross and Peter Carr annotation7070 1 BBa_R0062 range7070 1 1 55 annotation2045 1 LuxR/HSL range2045 1 1 20 annotation2048 1 start range2048 1 53 53 annotation2047 1 -10 range2047 1 42 47 annotation2046 1 -35 range2046 1 20 25 BBa_C0061 1 luxI autoinducer synthetase for AHL 2003-01-31T12:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:07:23Z <em>V. fischeri</em> <genbank>AF170104</genbank> Released HQ 2013 Synthesizes 3OC<sub>6</sub>HSL, which binds to LuxR.</p> <p>The lux cassette of V. fischeri contains a left and a right promoter. The right promoter gives weak constitutive expression of downstream genes.This expression is up-regulated by the action of the Lux repressor, LuxR. Two molecules of LuxR protein form a complex with two molecules the signalling compound HSL. This complex binds to a palindromic site on the promoter, increasing the rate of transcription.</p> false false _1_ 0 24 7 In stock false <P> <P>An LVA tail (sequence: AANDENYALVA) was added to increase protein degradation. . <P> true Vinay S Mahajan, Voichita D. Marinescu, Brian Chow, Alexander D Wissner-Gross and Peter Carr annotation7038 1 BBa_C0061 range7038 1 1 618 annotation1760 1 LVA range1760 1 580 611 annotation2213985 1 Help:Barcodes range2213985 1 619 643 annotation1761 1 luxI range1761 1 1 579 BBa_I13975 1 BBa_I13975 intermediate for lac synchro device 2004-10-04T11:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:07:37Z Released HQ 2013 Intermediate part in lac synchronization device false false _11_6_ 0 2 7 In stock false This part is the result of a build step which was done backwards by accident. The correctly orientated version was remade as I13978 false jasonk component1426814 1 BBa_R0011 component1426790 1 BBa_B0010 component1426800 1 BBa_B0012 component1426773 1 BBa_B0034 component1426783 1 BBa_C0012 component1426833 1 BBa_C0061 component1426823 1 BBa_B0034 component1426840 1 BBa_B0010 component1426865 1 BBa_R0062 component1426850 1 BBa_B0012 annotation1426850 1 BBa_B0012 range1426850 1 2136 2176 annotation1426790 1 BBa_B0010 range1426790 1 1180 1259 annotation1426800 1 BBa_B0012 range1426800 1 1268 1308 annotation1426773 1 BBa_B0034 range1426773 1 1 12 annotation1426840 1 BBa_B0010 range1426840 1 2048 2127 annotation1426783 1 BBa_C0012 range1426783 1 19 1146 annotation1426823 1 BBa_B0034 range1426823 1 1379 1390 annotation1426814 1 BBa_R0011 range1426814 1 1317 1370 annotation1426833 1 BBa_C0061 range1426833 1 1397 2014 annotation1426865 1 BBa_R0062 range1426865 1 2185 2239 BBa_C0012 1 lacI lacI repressor from E. coli (+LVA) 2003-01-31T12:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:07:23Z represillator of Elowitz and Leibler (2000) Released HQ 2013 Coding region for the LacI protein with an LVA degradation tail and without an RBS. LacI binds to the pLac regulator <bb_part>BBa_R0010</bb_part> and PLlac01 hybrid regulator <bb_part>BBa_R0011</bb_part> and inhibits transcription. IPTG (Isopropylthiogalactoside) binds to LacI and inhibits its operation, therefore promoting transcription.</P> <P>A rapid degredation tail (LVA) has been added to improve the High to Low performance of this part.</P> false false _1_ 0 24 7 In stock false References (unparsed) here: <p>Elowitz, M.B., Leibler, S. A synthetic oscillatory network of transcriptional regulators. <em>Nature</em> 403, 335-338 (2000). <a href="">[ELOW00]</a><br> <br> </P> <P> References (unparsed) here: <p>Elowitz, M.B., Leibler, S. A synthetic oscillatory network of transcriptional regulators. <em>Nature</em> 403, 335-338 (2000). <a href="">[ELOW00]</a><br> <br> </P> <P>Sequence taken from the repressilator of Elowitz and Leibler (2000). The obtained sequence was compared to the wild-type sequence for LacI obtained through a database search. The sequence had been modified from the wild-type in that wild-type GTG start was changed to an ATG start (note, actual ORF in E.coli has several GTG starts it would seem). The LVA tag has been added for quicker degradation.<P> Incompatible with systems containing LacI, lactose, or IPTG. true Grace Kenney, Daniel Shen, Neelaksh Varshney, Samantha Sutton annotation7031 1 BBa_C0012 range7031 1 1 1128 annotation1723 1 lacI-LVA range1723 1 1 1128 annotation2213988 1 Help:Barcodes range2213988 1 1129 1153 annotation1722 1 LVA range1722 1 1090 1128 BBa_R0011 1 lacI+pL Promoter (lacI regulated, lambda pL hybrid) 2003-01-31T12:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:14:14Z represillator of Elowitz and Leibler (2000) Released HQ 2013 Inverting regulatory region controlled by LacI (<bb_part>BBa_C0010</bb_part>, <bb_part>BBa_C0011</bb_part>, etc.) <p> The PLlac 0-1 promoter is a hybrid regulatory region consisting of the promoter P(L) of phage lambda with the cI binding sites replaced with lacO1. The hybrid design allows for strong promotion that can nevertheless be tightly repressed by LacI, the Lac inhibitor (i.e. repressor) (<bb_part>BBa_C0010</bb_part>) ([LUTZ97]). The activity of the promoter can be regulated over a >600-fold range by IPTG in E.Coli DH5-alpha-Z1 (same paper reference). false true _1_ 0 24 7 In stock false <P> <P>hybrid promoter design to create strong promoter that is, at the same time, highly repressible. note that the upstream operator installed in this hybrid is slightly different than the one in the original source (Lutz and Bujard, 1997). the most upstream operator region is slightly truncated in the represillator version, so that both operators in the hybrid are the same sequence. see references for details. also, the sequence has been truncated after the transcriptional start site.<P>LacI binds to this regulator. This part is incompatible with species containing active LacI coding regions. Lactose and IPTG disable the operation of LacI and increase transcription. This part is incompatible with environments containing lactose or lactose analogs. true Neelaksh Varshney, Grace Kenney, Daniel Shen, Samantha Sutton annotation2000 1 -35 range2000 1 20 25 annotation2002 1 -10 range2002 1 43 48 annotation2001 1 lac O1 range2001 1 26 42 annotation7064 1 BBa_R0011 range7064 1 1 54 annotation1999 1 lac O1 range1999 1 3 19 BBa_B0034 1 BBa_B0034 RBS (Elowitz 1999) -- defines RBS efficiency 2003-01-31T12:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:07:20Z Released HQ 2013 RBS based on Elowitz repressilator. false true _1_ 0 24 7 In stock false Varies from -6 to +1 region from original sequence to accomodate BioBricks suffix. <p>No secondary structures are formed in the given RBS region. Users should check for secondary structures induced in the RBS by upstream and downstream elements in the +50 to -50 region, as such structures will greatly affect the strength of the RBS. Contact info for this part: <a href="mailto:(">Brian Chow</a> true Vinay S Mahajan, Voichita D. Marinescu, Brian Chow, Alexander D Wissner-Gross and Peter Carr IAP, 2003. annotation23325 1 conserved range23325 1 5 8 BBa_B0010 1 BBa_B0010 T1 from E. coli rrnB 2003-11-19T12:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:07:20Z Transcriptional terminator consisting of a 64 bp stem-loop. false false _1_ 0 24 7 In stock false true Randy Rettberg annotation4184 1 stem_loop range4184 1 12 55 annotation7018 1 BBa_B0010 range7018 1 1 80 BBa_B0010_sequence 1 ccaggcatcaaataaaacgaaaggctcagtcgaaagactgggcctttcgttttatctgttgtttgtcggtgaacgctctc BBa_C0061_sequence 1 atgactataatgataaaaaaatcggattttttggcaattccatcggaggagtataaaggtattctaagtcttcgttatcaagtgtttaagcaaagacttgagtgggacttagttgtagaaaataaccttgaatcagatgagtatgataactcaaatgcagaatatatttatgcttgtgatgatactgaaaatgtaagtggatgctggcgtttattacctacaacaggtgattatatgctgaaaagtgtttttcctgaattgcttggtcaacagagtgctcccaaagatcctaatatagtcgaattaagtcgttttgctgtaggtaaaaatagctcaaagataaataactctgctagtgaaattacaatgaaactatttgaagctatatataaacacgctgttagtcaaggtattacagaatatgtaacagtaacatcaacagcaatagagcgatttttaaagcgtattaaagttccttgtcatcgtattggagacaaagaaattcatgtattaggtgatactaaatcggttgtattgtctatgcctattaatgaacagtttaaaaaagcagtcttaaatgctgcaaacgacgaaaactacgctttagtagcttaataactctgatagtgctagtgtagatctc BBa_R0062_sequence 1 acctgtaggatcgtacaggtttacgcaagaaaatggtttgttatagtcgaataaa BBa_B0034_sequence 1 aaagaggagaaa BBa_C0012_sequence 1 atggtgaatgtgaaaccagtaacgttatacgatgtcgcagagtatgccggtgtctcttatcagaccgtttcccgcgtggtgaaccaggccagccacgtttctgcgaaaacgcgggaaaaagtggaagcggcgatggcggagctgaattacattcccaaccgcgtggcacaacaactggcgggcaaacagtcgttgctgattggcgttgccacctccagtctggccctgcacgcgccgtcgcaaattgtcgcggcgattaaatctcgcgccgatcaactgggtgccagcgtggtggtgtcgatggtagaacgaagcggcgtcgaagcctgtaaagcggcggtgcacaatcttctcgcgcaacgcgtcagtgggctgatcattaactatccgctggatgaccaggatgccattgctgtggaagctgcctgcactaatgttccggcgttatttcttgatgtctctgaccagacacccatcaacagtattattttctcccatgaagacggtacgcgactgggcgtggagcatctggtcgcattgggtcaccagcaaatcgcgctgttagcgggcccattaagttctgtctcggcgcgtctgcgtctggctggctggcataaatatctcactcgcaatcaaattcagccgatagcggaacgggaaggcgactggagtgccatgtccggttttcaacaaaccatgcaaatgctgaatgagggcatcgttcccactgcgatgctggttgccaacgatcagatggcgctgggcgcaatgcgcgccattaccgagtccgggctgcgcgttggtgcggatatctcggtagtgggatacgacgataccgaagacagctcatgttatatcccgccgttaaccaccatcaaacaggattttcgcctgctggggcaaaccagcgtggaccgcttgctgcaactctctcagggccaggcggtgaagggcaatcagctgttgcccgtctcactggtgaaaagaaaaaccaccctggcgcccaatacgcaaaccgcctctccccgcgcgttggccgattcattaatgcagctggcacgacaggtttcccgactggaaagcgggcaggctgcaaacgacgaaaactacgctttagtagcttaataactctgatagtgctagtgtagatctc BBa_B0012_sequence 1 tcacactggctcaccttcgggtgggcctttctgcgtttata BBa_I13975_sequence 1 aaagaggagaaatactagatggtgaatgtgaaaccagtaacgttatacgatgtcgcagagtatgccggtgtctcttatcagaccgtttcccgcgtggtgaaccaggccagccacgtttctgcgaaaacgcgggaaaaagtggaagcggcgatggcggagctgaattacattcccaaccgcgtggcacaacaactggcgggcaaacagtcgttgctgattggcgttgccacctccagtctggccctgcacgcgccgtcgcaaattgtcgcggcgattaaatctcgcgccgatcaactgggtgccagcgtggtggtgtcgatggtagaacgaagcggcgtcgaagcctgtaaagcggcggtgcacaatcttctcgcgcaacgcgtcagtgggctgatcattaactatccgctggatgaccaggatgccattgctgtggaagctgcctgcactaatgttccggcgttatttcttgatgtctctgaccagacacccatcaacagtattattttctcccatgaagacggtacgcgactgggcgtggagcatctggtcgcattgggtcaccagcaaatcgcgctgttagcgggcccattaagttctgtctcggcgcgtctgcgtctggctggctggcataaatatctcactcgcaatcaaattcagccgatagcggaacgggaaggcgactggagtgccatgtccggttttcaacaaaccatgcaaatgctgaatgagggcatcgttcccactgcgatgctggttgccaacgatcagatggcgctgggcgcaatgcgcgccattaccgagtccgggctgcgcgttggtgcggatatctcggtagtgggatacgacgataccgaagacagctcatgttatatcccgccgttaaccaccatcaaacaggattttcgcctgctggggcaaaccagcgtggaccgcttgctgcaactctctcagggccaggcggtgaagggcaatcagctgttgcccgtctcactggtgaaaagaaaaaccaccctggcgcccaatacgcaaaccgcctctccccgcgcgttggccgattcattaatgcagctggcacgacaggtttcccgactggaaagcgggcaggctgcaaacgacgaaaactacgctttagtagcttaataactctgatagtgctagtgtagatctctactagagccaggcatcaaataaaacgaaaggctcagtcgaaagactgggcctttcgttttatctgttgtttgtcggtgaacgctctctactagagtcacactggctcaccttcgggtgggcctttctgcgtttatatactagagaattgtgagcggataacaattgacattgtgagcggataacaagatactgagcactactagagaaagaggagaaatactagatgactataatgataaaaaaatcggattttttggcaattccatcggaggagtataaaggtattctaagtcttcgttatcaagtgtttaagcaaagacttgagtgggacttagttgtagaaaataaccttgaatcagatgagtatgataactcaaatgcagaatatatttatgcttgtgatgatactgaaaatgtaagtggatgctggcgtttattacctacaacaggtgattatatgctgaaaagtgtttttcctgaattgcttggtcaacagagtgctcccaaagatcctaatatagtcgaattaagtcgttttgctgtaggtaaaaatagctcaaagataaataactctgctagtgaaattacaatgaaactatttgaagctatatataaacacgctgttagtcaaggtattacagaatatgtaacagtaacatcaacagcaatagagcgatttttaaagcgtattaaagttccttgtcatcgtattggagacaaagaaattcatgtattaggtgatactaaatcggttgtattgtctatgcctattaatgaacagtttaaaaaagcagtcttaaatgctgcaaacgacgaaaactacgctttagtagcttaataactctgatagtgctagtgtagatctctactagagccaggcatcaaataaaacgaaaggctcagtcgaaagactgggcctttcgttttatctgttgtttgtcggtgaacgctctctactagagtcacactggctcaccttcgggtgggcctttctgcgtttatatactagagacctgtaggatcgtacaggtttacgcaagaaaatggtttgttatagtcgaataaa BBa_R0011_sequence 1 aattgtgagcggataacaattgacattgtgagcggataacaagatactgagcaca igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 James Alastair McLaughlin Chris J. Myers 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z