LOCUS BBa_I715076 381 bp DNA linear 21-Dec-2024 DEFINITION pLac promoter upstream of the Ec86 retron msr/msd sequence ACCESSION BBa_I715076 VERSION BBa_I715076.1 FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS 1..88 /label=end of LacI coding region (inactive) misc_feature 1..200 /label=BBa_R0010 misc_feature 89..126 /label=CAP binding site promoter 137..142 /label=-35 promoter 161..166 /label=-10 misc_feature 166..200 /label=LacI binding site misc_feature 173..173 /label=start promoter 1..200 /label=BBa_R0010 CDS 209..381 /label=BBa_I715072 ORIGIN 1 caatacgcaa accgcctctc cccgcgcgtt ggccgattca ttaatgcagc tggcacgaca 61 ggtttcccga ctggaaagcg ggcagtgagc gcaacgcaat taatgtgagt tagctcactc 121 attaggcacc ccaggcttta cactttatgc ttccggctcg tatgttgtgt ggaattgtga 181 gcggataaca atttcacaca tactagagta tgataagatt ccgtatgcgc acccttagcg 241 agaggtttat cattaaggtc aacctctgga tgttgtttcg gcatcctgca ttgaatctga 301 gttactgtct gttttccttg ttggaacgga gagcatcgcc tgatgctctc cgagccaacc 361 aggaaacccg ttttttctga c //