BBa_I751411 1 BBa_I751411 BioBrick to Tokyo Standard adapter, for SpeI, reverse 2007-10-24T11:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:08:06Z This part is oligonucleotide you can buy from oligo house. Annealed with fwd oligo(BBa_I751410), this part can be incorporated into the space cut by SpeI. This makes Biobrick part into Tokyo Standard part. false false _151_ 0 2188 9 Not in stock false *[[BBtoTSD adapter]] 1. Cut Biobrick part with SpeI. 2. Incorporate adapter oligo. (don't forget to anneal with fwd, and to make kination) 3. Now you can cut out this part by BglII or MluI. This makes Biobrick scar-like sequence, "actaga" in the left and "tctagt" in the right. Once oligo is ligated, you can't cut with SpeI anymore. false Kenichiro Iwasaki BBa_I751411_sequence 1 ctagaacgcgttacgatagatctt igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z