BBa_J05209 1 BBa_J05209 Modifed Pr Promoter 2005-09-14T11:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:08:15Z Released HQ 2013 This is identical to BBa_R0051 exept that some base has been modifed to alow for additional ZFP repressors to bind false false _34_ 0 412 34 In stock false false Alexander Roth annotation1689812 1 -10 range1689812 1 38 43 annotation1689810 1 OR2 range1689810 1 25 41 annotation1689809 1 OR2 range1689809 1 1 17 annotation1689899 1 ZFP binding sites range1689899 1 18 29 annotation1689811 1 -35 range1689811 1 15 20 BBa_J05209_sequence 1 taacaccgtgcgtgttgactattttacctctggcggtgataatggttgc igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z