BBa_J119127 1 BBa_J119127 For Testing New Promoters via Golden Gate Assembly with BsmBI 2012-10-29T12:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:08:27Z Golden Gate assembled of PCR product and BBa_J100091 using BsaI and Ligase. This part allows users to clone and test new promoters without gel purification or other preparation of DNA. It is a destination vector for [ Golden Gate Assembly] (GGA) using BsmBI and Ligase. A new promoter can be derived from synthetic oligos, PCR, or a plasmid clone. The new promoter must be flanked by BsmBI sites that produce the 4 nt overhangs required for assembly (see [[Part:BBa_J119022]] as an example, or the picture below). Successful GGA assembly replaces the double terminator in '''BBa_J119127''' with the new promoter. Upon assembly, a functional new promoter should cause RFP expression. BBa_J119127 incorporates the BD18 bicistronic translational junction (see [[Part:BBa_J119024]]) engineered by Vivek Mutalik and The BIOFAB Team at [ See the full GGA protocol online.]<br><center> [[Image:J100028.png]] false false _613_120_ 0 606 61 Not in stock false None. false Todd Eckdahl annotation2214068 1 Start for RFP range2214068 1 203 205 annotation2214064 1 leader RBS range2214064 1 135 143 annotation2214058 1 BsmBI sticky end left range2214058 1 1 4 annotation2214065 1 RBS for RFP range2214065 1 188 196 annotation2214069 1 Double stop for E1010 range2214069 1 878 883 annotation2214066 1 Stop for BD18 leader range2214066 1 201 203 annotation2214067 1 RFP E1010 range2214067 1 203 883 annotation2214061 1 BsmBI cuts right range2214061 1 107 112 annotation2214063 1 BD18 biscistron range2214063 1 118 205 annotation2214059 1 BsmBI cuts left range2214059 1 6 11 annotation2214062 1 BsmBI sticky end right range2214062 1 114 117 annotation2214060 1 TT B0014 range2214060 1 12 106 BBa_J119127_sequence 1 cgactgagacgtcacactggctcaccttcgggtgggcctttctgcgtttatatactagagagagaatataaaaagccagattattaatccggcttttttattatttcgtctcagcgggggcccaagttcacttaaaaaggagatcaacaatgaaagcaattttcgtactgaaacatcttaatcatgcgacggagcgtttctaatggcttcctccgaagatgttatcaaagagttcatgcgtttcaaagttcgtatggaaggttccgttaacggtcacgagttcgaaatcgaaggtgaaggtgaaggtcgtccgtacgaaggtacccagaccgctaaactgaaagttaccaaaggtggtccgctgccgttcgcttgggacatcctgtccccgcagttccagtacggttccaaagcttacgttaaacacccggctgacatcccggactacctgaaactgtccttcccggaaggtttcaaatgggaacgtgttatgaacttcgaagatggtggtgttgttaccgttacccaggactcctccctgcaagacggtgagttcatctacaaagttaaactgcgtggtaccaacttcccgtccgacggtccggttatgcagaaaaaaaccatgggttgggaagcttccaccgaacgtatgtacccggaagatggtgctctgaaaggtgaaatcaaaatgcgtctgaaactgaaagacggtggtcactacgacgctgaagttaaaaccacctacatggctaaaaaaccggttcagctgccgggtgcttacaaaaccgacatcaaactggacatcacctcccacaacgaagattacaccatcgttgaacagtacgaacgtgctgaaggtcgtcactccaccggtgcttaataa igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 James Alastair McLaughlin Chris J. Myers 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z