BBa_J119316 1 BBa_J119316 Scaffold 2.0 for J-GGA (With the promoter between Junction A & B and the RBS in the junction B & C) 2013-10-15T11:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:08:28Z N/A Scaffold 2.0 with the RBS in the junction B.The vector is prepared by inverted PCR (iPCR) using primers with BsaI sites that produce 5' overhanging sticky ends for the junctions B and Junction C. The RBS has the same sticky ends.J-GGA is then performed with BsaI and T4 DNA Ligase. false false _613_435_ 0 606 61 Not in stock false N/A false Todd Eckdahl annotation2369609 1 Promoter (P5) range2369609 1 39 74 annotation2369611 1 Junction C range2369611 1 173 189 annotation2369612 1 Junction D range2369612 1 195 212 annotation2369610 1 RBS(BD18) range2369610 1 94 172 BBa_J119316_sequence 1 aattcgcggccgcttctagagccgtatacacagaggaccttgacaattaatcatccggctcgtaatttatgtggatgggtcttgaaccaggaggggcccaagttcacttaaaaaggagatcaacaatgaaagcaattttcgtactgaaacatcttaatcatgcgacggagcggtgctaatgactgtgcgattaggcctaacgaacagacagctactagtagcggccgctgca igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z