BBa_J18912 1 T7start T7 promoter + RBS + START 2010-01-26T12:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:08:36Z pET3a expression vector Strong T7 promoter and RBS including start codon for protein expression in E. coli or in-vitro. Part is provided in RFC 25 assembly format. false false _165_ 0 2175 165 It's complicated false * sequence is taken from the commonly used pET3a expression vector * deleted XbaI site between prom. and RBS * T7 promoter sequence (1-19) equals the one in BBa_I712074 * Conservative choice of part boundaries and modifications -- the part's size could probably be reduced. false Raik Gruenberg annotation2065586 1 start range2065586 1 81 83 BBa_B0105 1 Scar 25 RFC 25 Scar Sequence 2009-10-14T11:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:07:21Z BBF RFC 25 This is the scar produced by assembly using RFC 25. If you are assembling a composite part using RFC 25, you can insert this part and specify blunt assembly to get the desired sequence. false false _1_ 0 25 397 Not in stock false Simple DNA sequence false Randy Rettberg annotation2041621 1 Scar 25 range2041621 1 1 6 BBa_J18909 1 HisTag His tag (6xHis; E. coli - optimized) 2010-01-15T12:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:08:35Z Synthetic DNA Hexahistidine affinity tag. Binds zinc, nickel, or cobalt affinity resins. =Notes= This part is identical to BBa_I757013 (which does not seem to be available though). =References= Wikipedia article: [] false false _165_ 0 2175 165 It's complicated false Simple repetition of the His codon most frequent in E. coli -- a more balanced codon-choice may be better. false Raik Gruenberg annotation2065463 1 PolyHis range2065463 1 1 18 BBa_J18944 1 BBa_J18944 ZipE34 ~ mCerulean 2010-01-26T12:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:08:36Z synthetic P12 expression cassette from Gruenberg et al. 2010 series of interaction reporter proteins. All proteins share the same architecture: * T7Start-domain1-5xGS-domain2-preSCsite-HisTag-T7Stop Only Domains1 and 2 vary and are taken from a list of protein interaction input and output (readout) parts. ===Expression=== Proteins were expressed in E. coli BL21 using T7 Polymerase and were purified by His-tag affinity. ===Reference=== * Gruenberg, Ferrar, van der Sloot, Serrano (2010): Building Blocks for Protein Interaction Devices false false _165_ 0 2175 165 It's complicated false Constructs were assembled according to R.F.C. 25. All parts were codon optimized for E. coli. false Raik Gruenberg component2066643 1 BBa_B0105 component2066625 1 BBa_J18912 component2066641 1 BBa_J18909 component2066645 1 BBa_J18913 component2066639 1 BBa_B0105 component2066636 1 BBa_B0105 component2066627 1 BBa_B0105 component2066631 1 BBa_J18922 component2066633 1 BBa_B0105 component2066637 1 BBa_J18919 component2066634 1 BBa_J18930 component2066630 1 BBa_B0105 component2066628 1 BBa_J18923 annotation2066639 1 BBa_B0105 range2066639 1 1005 1010 annotation2066636 1 BBa_B0105 range2066636 1 975 980 annotation2066627 1 BBa_B0105 range2066627 1 84 89 annotation2066625 1 BBa_J18912 range2066625 1 1 83 annotation2066637 1 BBa_J18919 range2066637 1 981 1004 annotation2066645 1 BBa_J18913 range2066645 1 1035 1169 annotation2066633 1 BBa_B0105 range2066633 1 255 260 annotation2066643 1 BBa_B0105 range2066643 1 1029 1034 annotation2066630 1 BBa_B0105 range2066630 1 219 224 annotation2066634 1 BBa_J18930 range2066634 1 261 974 annotation2066641 1 BBa_J18909 range2066641 1 1011 1028 annotation2066631 1 BBa_J18922 range2066631 1 225 254 annotation2066628 1 BBa_J18923 range2066628 1 90 218 BBa_J18913 1 T7stop T7 terminator (incl. STOP) 2010-01-26T12:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:08:36Z pET3a expression plasmid T7 terminator for protein expression in E. coli or in vitro. Part is provided in R.F.C. 25 assembly format. false false _165_ 0 2175 165 It's complicated false * taken from pET3a expression plasmid * added two STOP to 5' * conservative choice of part boundary, could probably be shortened false Raik Gruenberg annotation2065587 1 stop range2065587 1 1 6 BBa_J18930 1 mCerulean mCerulean CFP 2010-01-26T12:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:08:36Z literature gene synthesis Cerulean GFP is an optimized FRET donor molecule that was rationally designed by Piston and co-workers to eliminate the excited-state heterogeneity of ECFP. In ECFP, a single-exponential fit to the fluorescence lifetime is not feasible due to multiple components, whereas Cerulean exhibits essentially homogeneous excited-state decay kinetics, rendering this protein useful for lifetime imaging... Live cell imaging experiments have demonstrated that Cerulean GFP undergoes highly efficient FRET to yellow acceptor molecules (25, 26). Additionally, Cerulean exhibits more than twice the brightness of ECFP and CyPet, emitting light at fluorescence intensities similar to Citrine (20). ===References=== * Rizzo MA, Springer GH, Granada B, Piston DW. (2004) An improved cyan fluorescent protein variant useful for FRET. PMID: 14990965 false false _165_ 0 2175 165 It's complicated false * amino acid sequence taken from a pAG304GAL-Cerulean-ccdB from LindQuist lab * borders trimmed to match the construct used for PDB 2Q57 (last 9 AA are not resolved in PDB) * structure starts with MSK, this construct starts with MVSK but the M has been skipped for this Biobrick * gene synthesis * codon optimized for E. coli false Raik Gruenberg BBa_J18922 1 5xGS 10aa [GS]x linker 2010-01-26T12:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:08:36Z gene synthesis Highly flexible 10 amino acid linker. Translates to [GS]_5. Codon-optimize for E. coli, yeast, mammalian. false true _165_ 0 2175 165 It's complicated false * gene synthesis * codon optimized for E. coli * experimental distance distributions are described in Neuweiler et al. 2006 papers. false Raik Gruenberg BBa_J18919 1 preSCsite preScission protease cleavage site (E. coli-optimized) 2010-01-26T12:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:08:36Z gene synthesis cleavage site for PreScission??? protease. preScission protease cleavage site (PreScission??? protease is a genetically engineered form of human rhinovirus 3C protease with a GST fusion, allowing for facile cleavage and purification of GST-tagged proteins along with protease removal after recombinant protein cleavage. Enables low-temperature cleavage of fusion proteins containing the eight-residue recognition sequence.) cleavage site: * Leu-Glu-Val-Leu-Phe-Gln↓Gly-Pro References ============== Walker et al. (1994): Efficient and rapid affinity purification of proteins using recombinant fusion proteases. PMID: 7764949 false false _165_ 0 2175 165 It's complicated false * gene synthesis * codon optimized for E. coli false Raik Gruenberg BBa_J18923 1 ZipE34 E34(I) strong heterodimerizing leucine zipper 2010-01-26T12:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:08:36Z gene synthesis literature Engineered Leu zipper based on VBP B-ZIP domain that forms strong parallel heterodimers with R34. Interaction with R34: * Kd = 6.1 nM References ============ * Acharya et al. (2002) A heterodimerizing leucine zipper coiled coil system for examining the specificity of a position interactions: amino acids I, V, L, N, A, and K. PMID: 12450375 * Bashor et al (2008) Using engineered scaffold interactions to reshape MAP kinase pathway signaling dynamics. PMID: 18339942 false false _165_ 0 2175 165 It's complicated false * gene synthesis * codon optimized for E. coli false Raik Gruenberg BBa_J18922_sequence 1 ggtagcggcagcggtagcggtagcggcagc BBa_B0105_sequence 1 accggc BBa_J18913_sequence 1 tagtgactgctaacaaagcccgaaaggaagctgagttggctgctgccaccgctgagcaataactagcataaccccttggggcctctaaacgggtcttgaggggttttttgctgaaaggaggaactatatccggat BBa_J18909_sequence 1 catcatcatcatcatcat BBa_J18930_sequence 1 gtgagcaaaggcgaagaactgtttaccggcgtggtgccgattctggtggaactggatggtgatgtgaacggccataaatttagcgtgagcggcgaaggcgaaggtgatgcgacctatggcaaactgaccctgaaattcatttgcaccaccggcaaactgccggttccgtggccgaccctggttaccaccctgacctggggcgtgcagtgctttgcgcgttatccggatcatatgaaacagcacgatttctttaaaagcgccatgccggaaggctatgtgcaggaacgcaccatcttttttaaagatgatggcaactataaaacccgtgcggaagtgaaatttgaaggcgataccctggtgaaccgtattgaactgaaaggcatcgatttcaaagaagatggcaacattctgggccataaactggaatataactacatcagcgataacgtgtatatcaccgcggataaacagaaaaacggcatcaaagcgaactttaaaatccgccacaacattgaagatggcagcgtgcagctggccgatcattatcagcagaacaccccgattggtgatggcccggtgctgctgccggataaccattatctgagcacccagagcaaactgagcaaagatccgaacgaaaaacgtgatcacatggtgctgctggaatttgtgaccgcagccggtattaccctgggcatggatgaactgtacaaa BBa_J18912_sequence 1 taatacgactcactatagggagaccacaacggtttccctctagcaataattttgtttaactttaagaaggagatatacatatg BBa_J18944_sequence 1 taatacgactcactatagggagaccacaacggtttccctctagcaataattttgtttaactttaagaaggagatatacatatgaccggcattaccattcgtgcggcgtttctggaaaaagaaaacaccgcgctgcgtaccgaaattgcggaactggaaaaagaagtgggccgttgcgaaaacattgtgagcaaatacgaaacccgttatggcccgctgaccggcggtagcggcagcggtagcggtagcggcagcaccggcgtgagcaaaggcgaagaactgtttaccggcgtggtgccgattctggtggaactggatggtgatgtgaacggccataaatttagcgtgagcggcgaaggcgaaggtgatgcgacctatggcaaactgaccctgaaattcatttgcaccaccggcaaactgccggttccgtggccgaccctggttaccaccctgacctggggcgtgcagtgctttgcgcgttatccggatcatatgaaacagcacgatttctttaaaagcgccatgccggaaggctatgtgcaggaacgcaccatcttttttaaagatgatggcaactataaaacccgtgcggaagtgaaatttgaaggcgataccctggtgaaccgtattgaactgaaaggcatcgatttcaaagaagatggcaacattctgggccataaactggaatataactacatcagcgataacgtgtatatcaccgcggataaacagaaaaacggcatcaaagcgaactttaaaatccgccacaacattgaagatggcagcgtgcagctggccgatcattatcagcagaacaccccgattggtgatggcccggtgctgctgccggataaccattatctgagcacccagagcaaactgagcaaagatccgaacgaaaaacgtgatcacatggtgctgctggaatttgtgaccgcagccggtattaccctgggcatggatgaactgtacaaaaccggcctggaagtgctgtttcagggcccgaccggccatcatcatcatcatcataccggctagtgactgctaacaaagcccgaaaggaagctgagttggctgctgccaccgctgagcaataactagcataaccccttggggcctctaaacgggtcttgaggggttttttgctgaaaggaggaactatatccggat BBa_J18923_sequence 1 attaccattcgtgcggcgtttctggaaaaagaaaacaccgcgctgcgtaccgaaattgcggaactggaaaaagaagtgggccgttgcgaaaacattgtgagcaaatacgaaacccgttatggcccgctg BBa_J18919_sequence 1 ctggaagtgctgtttcagggcccg igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 James Alastair McLaughlin Chris J. Myers 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z