BBa_J202002 1 BBa_J202002 PBAD Mutant#3 2012-07-25T11:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:08:37Z This mutant was created by random mutagenesis. Released HQ 2013 This is PBAD (BBa_I13453) mutant. -71 relative to the araC transcriptional start site was changed from A to G. Also, C at -22 was changed to T false false _910_ 0 11164 9 In stock false In order to regulate transcription from PBAD, araC binds three different sites called araO2, araI1, and araI2. In the absence of L-arabinose, araC binds both araO2 and araI1 and bends DNA preventing transcription from PBAD. In the presence of L-arabinose, however, araC has a conformational change because of L-arabinose and binds araI1 and araI2, enabling transcription from PBAD. Like the wild-type (I13453), this part does not have araO2 site which is essential for araC repressor function. Therefore, araC acts as an activator in the presence of L-arabinose. false Jiyeon Park annotation2178422 1 araI2 range2178422 1 61 77 annotation2178423 1 Transcription Start range2178423 1 112 112 annotation2178424 1 Mutation 1 range2178424 1 41 41 annotation2178421 1 araI1 range2178421 1 40 56 annotation2178425 1 Mutation 2 range2178425 1 90 90 BBa_J202002_sequence 1 acattgattatttgcacggcgtcacactttgctatgccatggcatttttatccataagattagcggatcctacctgacgctttttatcgtaactctctactgtttctccataccgtttttttgggctagc igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z