BBa_J62008 1 BBa_J62008 {SH3 ligand}{SH3 ligand}{SH3 ligand}{SH3 ligand} 2008-07-29T11:00:00Z 2015-08-31T01:56:26Z BBa_J62006 and BBa_J62007 four repeats of a 5' glycine-serine linker and a SH3 ligand with a Kd=0.1uM for the murine Crk SH3 domain. The sequences for these linker-SH3 ligand repeats are degenerate in sequence "BACA." false false _96_ 0 929 96 Not in stock false N/A false John Dueber annotation1969237 1 BBa_J62004 range1969237 1 121 174 annotation1969238 1 BBa_J62002 range1969238 1 181 234 annotation1969235 1 BBa_J62003 range1969235 1 1 54 annotation1969236 1 BBa_J62002 range1969236 1 61 114 BBa_J62008_sequence 1 ggttcgggcagtggtagcgggcctccgccagccttacctccgaagcgtcgccgtggatctggcagcggttcggggagcggcccaccgcctgcgctgccgccaaaacgccgtcggggatctgggagtggcagcggctcgggtccgccaccggcattgcccccgaaacgtcggcgcggatctggcagcggttcggggagcggcccaccgcctgcgctgccgccaaaacgccgtcgg igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z