BBa_K1051036 1 BBa_K1051036 BBa_K1051105(non stop codon to Mitochondria Outer Membrane)+BBa_K1051008( CAA terminator with stopco 2013-09-11T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:08:53Z Budding Yeast As a comoposite part, it contained one Mitochondria Out Membrane targeting peptide and One Stop Codon, thus this part can be easily used in our project. When combined with the XFP it can color the mitchondria. false false _1358_ 0 15923 9 Not in stock false No false Jinchun Zhang component2339025 1 BBa_K1051105 component2339026 1 BBa_K1051008 annotation2339026 1 BBa_K1051008 range2339026 1 156 173 annotation2339025 1 BBa_K1051105 range2339025 1 1 147 BBa_K1051008 1 BBa_K1051008 S. cerevisiae CAA terminator with stopcodon 2013-07-07T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:08:53Z S. cerevisiae S. cerevisiae terminator with stopcodon false false _1358_ 0 15912 9 In stock false stopcodon + terminator false Xiang LI BBa_K1051105 1 BBa_K1051105 TOM40;targeting peptide to mitochondria outer membrane 2013-07-11T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:08:53Z Saccharomyces cerevisiae genomics sequence After added with 23 prefix and suffix, it can be used as a transporter to the mitochondria inner membrane. Also, when joining with different flourescent proteins, they can light the inner membrane using such proteins. false false _1358_ 0 15923 9 It's complicated false ATG was added at start false Jinchun Zhang BBa_K1051036_sequence 1 atgttttgcggtgaaatcgatcatttcaagaacgataccaagattggttgcggtctacaatttgaaactgctggtaatcaagaattactaatgttacaacaaggtttagacgcagatggtaacccattgcaagctcttcctcaattgtactagagtaatttttattcattttt BBa_K1051008_sequence 1 taatttttattcattttt BBa_K1051105_sequence 1 atgttttgcggtgaaatcgatcatttcaagaacgataccaagattggttgcggtctacaatttgaaactgctggtaatcaagaattactaatgttacaacaaggtttagacgcagatggtaacccattgcaagctcttcctcaattg igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z