LOCUS BBa_K1073001 74 bp DNA linear 16-Feb-2025 DEFINITION Inducible promoter of the rhl quorum sensing system with RBS ACCESSION BBa_K1073001 VERSION BBa_K1073001.1 FEATURES Location/Qualifiers misc_feature 1..20 /label=RhlR promoter 19..24 /label=-35 promoter 42..47 /label=-10 misc_feature 53..53 /label=start promoter 1..53 /label=BBa_R0071 RBS 62..74 /label=RBS-3\Weak RBS 68..71 /label=RBS misc_feature 62..74 /label=BBa_B0032 RBS 62..74 /label=BBa_B0032 ORIGIN 1 tcctgtgaaa tctggcagtt accgttagct ttcgaattgg ctaaaaagtg ttctactaga 61 gtcacacagg aaag //