BBa_K592009 1 amilCP amilCP, blue chromoprotein 2011-09-17T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:12:48Z Acropora millepora Released HQ 2013 This chromoprotein, amilCP, naturally exhibits very strong color when expressed. The color is blue/purple and is visible to naked eye, thereby requiring no instruments to observe. This DNA was provided by Jeffrey Miller at UCLA. It was made BioBrick-compatible after removal of one illegal internal restriction site (EcoRI). false false _763_ 0 7929 9 In stock true Illegal internal restriction site had to be removed (EcoRI). false Lei Sun annotation2131628 1 amilCP range2131628 1 1 666 BBa_K1074007 1 BBa_K1074007 Pctc+RBS+amilCP 2013-09-10T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:09:02Z 2013 iGEM and Lab distribution Promoter ctc is a sigma factor B-dependent promoter found in B. subtilis. In B. subtilis endogenous sigma factor B is activated under mild stress.amilCP, blue chromoprotein,naturally exhibits strong color when expressed.We assemble this gene circuit to get a visual signal when B.subtilis grow to the post-log phase. false false _1383_ 0 16001 9 It's complicated false NO false Changlong Zhao component2362114 1 BBa_K592009 component2362111 1 BBa_K143010 component2362112 1 BBa_K1074016 annotation2362112 1 BBa_K1074016 range2362112 1 65 82 annotation2362114 1 BBa_K592009 range2362114 1 89 757 annotation2362111 1 BBa_K143010 range2362111 1 1 56 BBa_K1074016 1 BBa_K1074016 RBS for Pctc 2013-09-24T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:09:02Z From the genome of Bacillus subtilis. synthesized by Sangon Biotech. This is an efficient RBS for promoter Pctc(BBa_K143010) in Bacillus subtilis. It's also an universal RBS for promoters in Bacillus subtilis. We also used it with the promoter PsdpRI(BBa_K1074013) in our project. false false _1383_ 0 16001 9 Not in stock false synthetise with promoter Pgrac as a whole! false Changlong Zhao BBa_K143010 1 Pctc Promoter ctc for B. subtilis 2008-09-10T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:10:23Z The part was designed using the sequence from the ''B.subtilis'' genome and from previously published papers <cite>2</cite><cite>3</cite>. This sequence was then synthesised by Geneart. Promoter ctc is a sigma factor B dependent promoter found in ''B.subtilis''. In ''B.subtilis'' endogenous sigma factor B is activated under mild stress. These mild stress conditions can be generally split into nutrient stress response and physical stress response. Nutrient stress response is triggered by low levels of ATP and GTP and physical stress response is triggered by exposure to blue light, salt, heat, acid or ethanol<cite>1</cite>. The promoter ctc has been used previously as a read out for the activation of sigma factor B <cite>2</cite>. *The context with which we used the promoter ctc, was to take blue light as an input and give '''Polymerase Per Second'''(PoPS) as an output. To do this the other potential inputs need to be carefully controlled so that only blue light activated the sigma B and gives a PoPS output. In order to get sufficient sigma B activation by blue light the light receptor YtvA, part...., needs to be over expressed in ''B.subtilis'' <cite>3</cite>. ===Reference=== <biblio> #1 pmid=16267279 #2 pmid=3100810 #3 pmid=17575448 </biblio> false false _199_ 0 2090 9 Not in stock false Biobrick standard was applied to the promoter ctc sequence. false James Chappell annotation1975701 1 Sigma B -35 range1975701 1 21 28 annotation1975700 1 Sigma B -10 range1975700 1 41 46 BBa_K1074016_sequence 1 aaaggtggtgaatactag BBa_K1074007_sequence 1 cagctaaaccatttttcgaggtttaaatccttatcgttatgggtattgtttgtaattactagagaaaggtggtgaatactagtactagatgagtgtgatcgctaaacaaatgacctacaaggtttatatgtcaggcacggtcaatggacactactttgaggtcgaaggcgatggaaaaggtaagccctacgagggggagcagacggtaaagctcactgtcaccaagggcggacctctgccatttgcttgggatattttatcaccacagtgtcagtacggaagcataccattcaccaagtaccctgaagacatccctgactatgtaaagcagtcattcccggagggctatacatgggagaggatcatgaactttgaagatggtgcagtgtgtactgtcagcaatgattccagcatccaaggcaactgtttcatctaccatgtcaagttctctggtttgaactttcctcccaatggacctgtcatgcagaagaagacacagggctgggaacccaacactgagcgtctctttgcacgagatggaatgctgctaggaaacaactttatggctctgaagttagaaggaggcggtcactatttgtgtgaatttaaaactacttacaaggcaaagaagcctgtgaagatgccagggtatcactatgttgaccgcaaactggatgtaaccaatcacaacaaggattacacttcggttgagcagtgtgaaatttccattgcacgcaaacctgtggtcgcctaataa BBa_K592009_sequence 1 atgagtgtgatcgctaaacaaatgacctacaaggtttatatgtcaggcacggtcaatggacactactttgaggtcgaaggcgatggaaaaggtaagccctacgagggggagcagacggtaaagctcactgtcaccaagggcggacctctgccatttgcttgggatattttatcaccacagtgtcagtacggaagcataccattcaccaagtaccctgaagacatccctgactatgtaaagcagtcattcccggagggctatacatgggagaggatcatgaactttgaagatggtgcagtgtgtactgtcagcaatgattccagcatccaaggcaactgtttcatctaccatgtcaagttctctggtttgaactttcctcccaatggacctgtcatgcagaagaagacacagggctgggaacccaacactgagcgtctctttgcacgagatggaatgctgctaggaaacaactttatggctctgaagttagaaggaggcggtcactatttgtgtgaatttaaaactacttacaaggcaaagaagcctgtgaagatgccagggtatcactatgttgaccgcaaactggatgtaaccaatcacaacaaggattacacttcggttgagcagtgtgaaatttccattgcacgcaaacctgtggtcgcctaataa BBa_K143010_sequence 1 cagctaaaccatttttcgaggtttaaatccttatcgttatgggtattgtttgtaat igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z