BBa_K112236 1 BBa_K112236 {b1006}{ccdB} 2008-10-20T11:00:00Z 2015-06-15T01:16:12Z ---- This part is in BBb Format. It is flanked by BamHI and BglII sites instead of XbaI and SpeI. More information about the BBb Format is available at:<br> [ BBb Standard Description Page] true false _224_ 4206 2998 9 It's complicated false false Bing Xia component1983838 1 BBa_K112999 component1983839 1 BBa_K112901 component1983837 1 BBa_K112709 annotation1983838 1 BBa_K112999 range1983838 1 41 46 annotation1983837 1 BBa_K112709 range1983837 1 1 40 annotation1983839 1 BBa_K112901 range1983839 1 47 478 BBa_K112709 1 BBa_K112709 b1006 2008-10-20T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:09:18Z <pre> Construction of <b1006> basic part K112709 Wobble PCR of dv021/dv022 (66bp, EcoRI/BamHI/DpnI) Sub into pBca1256 (EcoRI/BamHI, 2472+66, L) Product is pBca1256-K112709 ----------------------------------------------- dv021 Forward biobricking of b1006 cgataGAATTCatgAGATCTaaaaaaaaaccccgcccctgacagggcgg dv022 Reverse biobricking of b1006 GGATCCtaaaaaaaaccccgccctgtcaggggcggggtttttt </pre> The b1006 terminator. ---- This part is in BBb Format. It is flanked by BamHI and BglII sites instead of XbaI and SpeI. More information about the BBb Format is available at:<br> [ BBb Standard Description Page] false true _224_ 0 2998 9 Not in stock false false Bing Xia BBa_K112999 1 scar BBb1 scar sequence 2008-10-20T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:09:20Z This is the scar sequence of the BBb1 assembly scheme. For more information, refer to [ BBb Standard Description Page]. false false _224_ 0 2998 9 Not in stock false false Bing Xia BBa_K112901 1 ccdB ccdB 2008-10-20T11:00:00Z 2015-06-15T01:17:43Z ---- This part is in BBb Format. It is flanked by BamHI and BglII sites instead of XbaI and SpeI. More information about the BBb Format is available at:<br> [ BBb Standard Description Page] true false _224_ 4206 2998 9 Not in stock false false Bing Xia BBa_K112709_sequence 1 aaaaaaaaaccccgcccctgacagggcggggtttttttta BBa_K112236_sequence 1 aaaaaaaaaccccgcccctgacagggcggggttttttttaggatctaaaaaaaaaccccgcccctgacagggcggggttttttttaggatctcggctcttttgctgacgagaacaggggctggtgaaatgcagtttaaggtttacacctataaaagagagagccgttatcgtctgtttgtggatgtacagagtgatattattgacacgcccgggcgacggatggtgatccccctggccagtgcacgtctgctgtcagataaagtctcccgtgaactttacccggtggtgcatatcggggatgaaagctggcgcatgatgaccaccgatatggccagtgtgccggtctccgttatcggggaagaagtggctgatctcagccaccacgaaaatgacatcaaaaacgccattaacctgatgttctggggaatataaatgtcaggctcccttatacacagccagtctgcaggtcgaccatag BBa_K112901_sequence 1 aaaaaaaaaccccgcccctgacagggcggggttttttttaggatctcggctcttttgctgacgagaacaggggctggtgaaatgcagtttaaggtttacacctataaaagagagagccgttatcgtctgtttgtggatgtacagagtgatattattgacacgcccgggcgacggatggtgatccccctggccagtgcacgtctgctgtcagataaagtctcccgtgaactttacccggtggtgcatatcggggatgaaagctggcgcatgatgaccaccgatatggccagtgtgccggtctccgttatcggggaagaagtggctgatctcagccaccacgaaaatgacatcaaaaacgccattaacctgatgttctggggaatataaatgtcaggctcccttatacacagccagtctgcaggtcgaccatag BBa_K112999_sequence 1 ggatct igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z