BBa_K1159203 1 BBa_K1159203 Secretory SpyTag (IgKappa-SigP_SpyTag) in RFC[25] N-Part 2013-09-16T11:00:00Z 2015-06-11T02:00:20Z Synthetic This part encodes the SpyTag [ BBa_K1159201] with a N-terminal signal peptide for secretion (Ig Kappa signal peptide from ''Mus musculus'') which also works in moss ''Physcomitrella patens''. This construct is flanked by RFC[25] N-part prefix and suffix. Note: This means only protein fusions to the C-terminus of this part is possible, adding promoters (typically RFC[10]) into the prefix or terminators/IRES (typically RFC[10]) into the suffix of this part is nevertheless possible. false false _1471_ 4206 11507 9 In stock false x false Dong-Jiunn Jeffery TRUONG component2348823 1 BBa_K1159993 component2348826 1 BBa_K1159201 component2348821 1 BBa_K1159304 annotation2348826 1 BBa_K1159201 range2348826 1 74 112 annotation2348823 1 BBa_K1159993 range2348823 1 68 73 annotation2348821 1 BBa_K1159304 range2348821 1 1 67 BBa_K1159304 1 BBa_K1159304 Signal Peptide of Ig Kappa chain from <i>Mus musculus</i> in RFC[25] N-part 2013-09-13T11:00:00Z 2015-06-11T01:54:39Z ''Mus musculus'' This part codes for the signal peptide of the Ig Kappa chain from ''Mus musculus''. The signal peptide induces translocation of the protein into the Endoplasmatic Reticulum (ER) for secretion or membrane integration. Protein fused to the C-terminus of this part should be secreted or otherwise if the part fused region contains a transmembrane domain it will be integrated in cytoplasmatic membrane. This part starts with a consensus sequence for Physcomitrella patens which allows efficient translation start. Furthermore, this part is flanked by RFC[25] N-part pre- and suffix for fusions to the C-terminus of this part. false false _1471_ 4206 11507 9 In stock false x false TU Munich 2013 annotation2341498 1 Consensus Sequence for P. patens range2341498 1 1 4 annotation2341499 1 Ig Kappa Signal Peptide range2341499 1 5 67 BBa_K1159201 1 BBa_K1159201 Splitted and engineered C-terminal FbaB for isopeptide bound formation (SpyTag) in RFC[25] 2013-09-13T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:09:31Z ''Streptococcus pyogenes'' This part codes for a oligopeptide that is recognized and bound by a covalent isopeptide bound to a protein, called SpyCatcher. That catcher protein for this oligopeptdie can be found under BBa_K1159200. This part is flanked by RFC[25] pre- and suffix for further protein fusions. false false _1471_ 0 11507 9 In stock false x false Dong-Jiunn Jeffery TRUONG annotation2343481 1 SpyTag range2343481 1 1 39 annotation2343512 1 Reactive Asp for isopeptide forming reaction range2343512 1 19 21 BBa_K1159993 1 BBa_K1159993 25/25 Assembly Scar 2013-09-14T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:09:31Z Synthetic Assembly scar between RFC[25] Biobrick and RFC[25] Biobrick. false false _1471_ 0 11507 9 Not in stock false x false TU Munich 2013 annotation2342863 1 25/25 scar range2342863 1 1 6 BBa_K1159203_sequence 1 aacaatggaaaccgatactctcctcctctgggttctcttgctttgggttccaggatctaccggcgataccggcgctcatattgtcatggttgatgcttacaagccaactaag BBa_K1159993_sequence 1 accggc BBa_K1159304_sequence 1 aacaatggaaaccgatactctcctcctctgggttctcttgctttgggttccaggatctaccggcgat BBa_K1159201_sequence 1 gctcatattgtcatggttgatgcttacaagccaactaag igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z