BBa_I719005 1 pT7 T7 Promoter 2007-10-23T11:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:07:53Z --- Released HQ 2013 Just a T7 Promoter false false _128_ 0 2097 9 In stock true None true Imperial 2007 BBa_K1222989 1 BBa_K1222989 GFP antisense 2/pSB1C3 2013-08-25T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:09:43Z We designed and made it by artificial synthesis. A short sequence inhibits GFP gene. false false _1536_ 0 18249 9 It's complicated false no false Yu-Chun Huang BBa_K1222979 1 BBa_K1222979 pGFP(I719005+lac operator+GFP antisense 2+K731721)/PSB1C3 2013-09-20T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:09:43Z This is composed of previous part(BBa_I719005,BBa_K731721)and parts we constructed. T7 promoter + lac operator + CamR antisense 2 + T7 terminator This part is IPTG inducible for regulating generation of CamR antisense. false false _1536_ 0 18248 9 Not in stock false no. false Tingling Ke component2357601 1 BBa_I719005 component2357604 1 BBa_K731721 component2357602 1 BBa_K1222989 annotation2357604 1 BBa_K731721 range2357604 1 80 127 annotation2357601 1 BBa_I719005 range2357601 1 1 23 annotation2357602 1 BBa_K1222989 range2357602 1 32 71 BBa_K731721 1 BBa_K731721 T7 terminator 2012-08-14T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:13:06Z We amplified it directly from pET21b. Released HQ 2013 This is a short terminator by T7phage that we tested with our new teminators' characterization system. false false _977_ 0 12063 9 In stock true This is a standard sequence, very used in many constructs. As i don't have any design considerations i can say that generally to make screening gels of such short segments is preferable to use TBE1X instead of TAE1X. false Giacomo Giacomelli, Anna Depetris annotation2180632 1 T7 terminator range2180632 1 1 48 BBa_I719005_sequence 1 taatacgactcactatagggaga BBa_K1222979_sequence 1 taatacgactcactatagggagatactagagttattatttgtatagttcatccatgccatgtgtaatcccatactagagctagcataaccccttggggcctctaaacgggtcttgaggggttttttg BBa_K731721_sequence 1 ctagcataaccccttggggcctctaaacgggtcttgaggggttttttg BBa_K1222989_sequence 1 ttattatttgtatagttcatccatgccatgtgtaatccca igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z