BBa_K1316019 1 BBa_K1316019 2nd part of Constitutive Anderson promoter + csgA curli gene 2014-10-15T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:09:50Z The CDS of csgA contained in this part was PCRed from the iGEM BioBrick BBa_K540000 Lyon team 2011. Curli are extracellular amyloids that form fibers. They are involved in adhesion, cell aggregation and biofilm formation. CsgA is the major curli subunit. false false _1691_ 0 19967 9 Not in stock false The part was PCRed in a way that it contains the ending of a constitutive promoter right before the open reading frame (ORF) of csgA gene. This aims at constructing via Golden Gate Assembly the final BioBricks BBa_K1316013 and BBa_K1316014 where csgB and csgA genes are present and a constitutive promoter was placed between them. false Joan Cortada Garcia annotation2423411 1 start range2423411 1 27 29 annotation2422002 1 Ending constit Promoter range2422002 1 1 13 annotation2422003 1 rbs range2422003 1 14 25 annotation2422004 1 csgA range2422004 1 27 479 annotation2423410 1 stop range2423410 1 477 479 BBa_K1316019_sequence 1 gtacaatgctagcaaagaggagaaaacatgaaacttttaaaagtagcagcaattgcagcaatcgtattctccggtagcgctctggcaggtgttgttcctcagtacggcggcggcggtaaccacggtggtggcggtaataatagcggcccaaattctgagctgaacatttaccagtacggtggcggtaactctgcacttgctctgcaaactgatgcccgtaactctgacttgactattacccagcatggcggcggtaatggtgcagatgttggtcagggctcagatgacagctcaatcgatctgacccaacgtggcttcggtaacagcgctactcttgatcagtggaacggcaaaaattctgaaatgacggttaaacagttcggtggtggcaacggtgcagcagttgaccagactgcatctaactcctccgtcaacgtgactcaggttggctttggtaacaacgcgaccgctcatcagtactaactactagaaggagg igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z