BBa_K1317001 1 BBa_K1317001 CDS for resilin-like polypeptide (RLP) 2014-10-06T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:09:50Z Genomic sequence from Drosophila melanogaster This part is the coding sequence for the resilin like polypeptide. This sequence was assembled from a consensus of the proresilin exon 1 from Drosophila melanogaster. This protein, in insects, allows resistance and elasticity used for jumping, flapping... The synthetic gene encodes a synthetic protein "resilin-like". The repeated aminoacids allow to retrieve these properties of resistance, resilience and elasticity, but with a minimal pattern of the original protein, which is more suited for downstream applications. It can be used to produce wire presenting these properties after wet-spinning. false false _1692_ 0 20045 9 It's complicated false The gene was synthesized with oligos specially designed for PCR fusion and Gibson Assembly. false Mounir Benkoulouche annotation2398940 1 aromatic (dosage) range2398940 1 9 11 annotation2399234 1 NheI range2399234 1 299 305 annotation2398939 1 RLP range2398939 1 6 320 annotation2398941 1 ChewBack range2398941 1 306 317 annotation2398885 1 Start codon range2398885 1 6 8 annotation2398930 1 Stop Codon range2398930 1 318 320 BBa_K1317001_sequence 1 ctagaatgtggccgtcctctagctatggggcgcccccatcaaattcctatggtgcaccgccatctacatcctacggggccccgccgagcgtggcttacggggctccgccgagctcctcatatggagcgcccccttctaattcgtatggagcccctccttcgacttcatacggtgctcccccctcagtagcatacggcgcgcctccaagcagtagttatggtgccccaccatcgaacagttacggagcgcccccctctaccagttatggcgcccctccttcggttgcttacggcgcaccagctagcttatcatctagctaaa igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z