BBa_K1351033 1 BBa_K1351033 LMU Bacillus RBS collection 6 2014-10-05T11:00:00Z 2015-06-01T08:10:31Z Synthetic "This part was generated in a modified version of RFC25, and has the following prefix and suffix: {| |prefix with EcoRI, NotI, XbaI, SD and NgoMIV: |<span style=""color:blue"">GAATTC</span><span style=""color:green"">GCGGCCGC</span>T<span style=""color:red"">TCTAGA</span>TG<span style=""color:orange"">GCCGGC</span> |- |suffix with AgeI, SpeI, NotI and PstI: |<span style=""color:orange"">ACCGGT</span><u>TAA</u>T<span style=""color:red"">AC<u>TAG</u><u>T</u></span><u>A</u><span style=""color:green""><u>G</u>CGGCCG</span><span style=""color:blue"">CTGCAG</span> |} Sites of restriction enzymes generating compatible overhangs have the same color: <span style=""color:blue"">EcoRI</span> and <span style=""color:blue"">PstI</span> in blue, <span style=""color:green"">NotI</span> in green, <span style=""color:red"">XbaI</span> and <span style=""color:red"">SpeI</span> in red, <span style=""color:orange"">NgoMIV</span> and <span style=""color:orange"">AgeI</span> in orange. Stop codons are underlined." false false _1726_ 4206 20062 9 In stock false The LMU Bacillus RBS collection is based on a wobble-library with the sequence ARRRRRRGATA and the theoretical translation initiation rates of the RBS in this library, calculated by the salis lab's RBS calculator ( The 7 RBS submitted as BioBricks are the ones that offer the best coverage of translation initiation rate space, 1 being the optimal Bacillus RBS and 7 being the weakest. false Florian Riemer BBa_K1351033_sequence 1 agaaagggata igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z