BBa_K1361994 1 BBa_K1361994 Curli Fiber major monomer-CsgA with his tag 2014-10-05T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:10:04Z CsgA-his was synthesized by GeneScrip. This part is CsgA(BBa_K1361999) with twin 7Xhis tag. And can be used for purified of CsgA monomer or absorbing Au-NTA-Ni nano partical. CsgA is the major monomer of curli fiber. In vivo, its alone has little polymerizability and CsgB protein is requested for quick polymerization of CsgA. false false _1737_ 0 16915 9 Not in stock false The modifying of CsgA was referring the supplementary of Lu, Michelle Y., et al. "Synthesis and patterning of tunable multiscale materials with engineered cells." (2014). false Shoujie Sun annotation2397393 1 cds range2397393 1 1 498 annotation2397395 1 7XHis range2397395 1 475 495 annotation2397394 1 7XHis range2397394 1 127 147 BBa_K1361994_sequence 1 atgaaacttttaaaagtagcagcaattgcagcaatcgtattctccggtagcgctctggcaggtgttgttcctcagtacggcggcggcggtaaccacggtggtggcggtaataatagcggcccaaatcaccatcaccatcaccaccattctgagctgaacatttaccagtacggtggcggtaactctgcacttgctctgcaaactgatgcccgtaactctgacttgactattacccagcatggcggcggtaatggtgcagatgttggtcagggctcagatgacagctcaatcgatctgacccaacgtggcttcggtaacagcgctactcttgatcagtggaacggcaaaaattctgaaatgacggttaaacagttcggtggtggcaacggtgccgcagttgaccagactgcatctaactcctccgtcaacgtgactcaggttggctttggtaacaacgcgaccgctcatcagtaccaccatcaccatcaccaccattaa igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z