BBa_K1362505 1 BBa_04450* BBa_J04450 with a mutation 2014-10-16T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:10:06Z <partinfo>BBa_J04450</partinfo> Like <partinfo>BBa_J04450</partinfo> but with a C->T mutation at 397, resulting in aan Arg-Trp mutation. The bacteria become red anyway. false false _1738_ 0 22920 9 Not in stock false This part was designed randomly. false Max Waldhauer annotation2427465 1 BBa_J04550* range2427465 1 1 1069 BBa_K1362415 1 RFC105 NN N-terminal splicing overhang TGCT=Cys+1/3 Leu|Ile RFC[105] overhang NN 2014-10-06T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:10:05Z This standard overhang part was developed as part of the iGEM team Heidelberg 2014's Intein Toolbox [[#References[1]]]. All standard sequences can be reviewed in RFC[???] [[#References[2]]]. This is a standard overhang sequence for in-frame cloning of Proteins of Interest in front or behind an Intein. A detailed cloning strategy is found on the iGEM team Heidelberg 2014's [[|wiki page]] as well as in RFC[???]. Specifically, this part contains the overhang A used to insert a protein behind any RFC[10] compatible RBS and in-frame with the start-codon. It lies within the four bases formed by the second last base of the XbaI/SpeI scar or the first base in front of start codon respectively and the start codon itself. false false _1738_ 0 12377 9 Not in stock false This part is only the sequence of a standard overhang. It will not be sent in as physical DNA and was merely created to easily compose new parts in the RFC[???] standard. In the actual cloning process this sequence was and is recommended to be inserted with the according PCR primers. false Constantin Ahlmann-Eltze, Charlotte Bunne, Magdalena B??scher, Jan Gleixner, Max Horn, Anna Huhn, Nils Klughammer, Jakob Kreft, Elisabeth Sch??fer, Carolin Schmelas, Silvan Schmitz, Max Waldha BBa_K1362423 1 <- BsaI BsaI reverse restriction site for RFC[105] cloning 2014-10-06T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:10:05Z This standard restriction site sequence is used as part of the iGEM team Heidelberg 2014's Intein Toolbox [[#References|[1]]]. All associated standard sequences can be reviewed in RFC[???] This is the reverse complement of a BsaI restriction site headed by an Adenine as a spacer-base to separate the recognition sequence from the outward-lying cutting sequence. It was used by us for scarless golden-gate cloning to fuse inteins to other proteins and thereby implement a variety of possible port-translational modifications. false false _1738_ 0 12377 9 Not in stock false This part is only the sequence of a restriction site. It will not be sent in as physical DNA and was merely created to easily compose new parts in the RFC[???] standard. In the actual cloning process this sequence was and is recommended to be inserted with the according PCR primers. false Constantin Ahlmann-Eltze, Charlotte Bunne, Magdalena B??scher, Jan Gleixner, Max Horn, Anna Huhn, Nils Klughammer, Jakob Kreft, Elisabeth Sch??fer, Carolin Schmelas, Silvan Schmitz, Max Waldha BBa_G0000 1 scar SpeI/XbaI scar for RBS-CDS junctions 2007-07-22T11:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:07:27Z SpeI/XbaI scar This is the sequence of the SpeI/XbaI scar for RBS-CDS junctions in BioBricks standard assembly. false true _41_ 0 126 162 Not in stock false This is a shorter scar to ensure proper spacing between the RBS and CDS. false Reshma Shetty BBa_K1362999 1 BBa_K1362999 iGEMHD tag 2014-10-07T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:10:06Z Directly synthesized as an oligo as backtranslated with EMBOSS[1]. ==References== 1. Rice, P., Longden, I. & Bleasby, A. EMBOSS: the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. Trends Genet. 16, 276???7 (2000). This Part adds ultimate coolness to you your part. More seriously, it served us as a random sequence being a better overlap site for CPEC cloning than the RFC[10] suffix. false false _1738_ 0 22830 9 Not in stock false We aimed for a sequence without secondary structures, balanced GC content. false Constantin Ahlmann-Eltze, Charlotte Bunne, Magdalena B&uuml;scher, Jan Gleixner, Max Horn, Anna Huhn, Nils Klughammer, Jakob Kreft, Elisabeth Sch&auml;fer, Carolin Schmelas, Silvan Schmitz, Max Waldha annotation2400474 1 iGEMHD range2400474 1 3 20 annotation2400473 1 stop range2400473 1 21 23 annotation2400472 1 stop range2400472 1 24 26 BBa_K1362421 1 RFC105 Z C-terminal stop overhang TAAT=STOP+1/3Stop RFC[105] overhang Z 2014-10-06T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:10:05Z This standard overhang part was developed as part of the iGEM team Heidelberg 2014's Intein Toolbox [[#References|[1]]]. All standard sequences can be reviewed in RFC[???] [[#References|[2]]]. This is a standard overhang sequence for in-frame cloning of Proteins of Interest in front or behind an Intein. A detailed cloning strategy is found on the iGEM team Heidelberg 2014's [ wiki page] as well as in RFC[???]. Specifically, this part contains the overhang F used to insert the last part of an intein-fused protein directly in front of an RFC[10] double stop-codon. It lies within the first for bases of the stopstop sequence. false false _1738_ 0 12377 9 Not in stock false This part is only the sequence of a standard overhang. It will not be sent in as physical DNA and was merely created to easily compose new parts in the RFC[???] standard. In the actual cloning process this sequence was and is recommended to be inserted with the according PCR primers. false Constantin Ahlmann-Eltze, Charlotte Bunne, Magdalena B??scher, Jan Gleixner, Max Horn, Anna Huhn, Nils Klughammer, Jakob Kreft, Elisabeth Sch??fer, Carolin Schmelas, Silvan Schmitz, Max Waldha annotation2402257 1 stop range2402257 1 1 4 BBa_K1362414 1 RFC105 A N-terminal start overhang (T)(A)-(G)ATG=RBS+Start RFC[105] A 2014-10-06T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:10:05Z This standard overhang part was developed as part of the iGEM team Heidelberg 2014's Intein Toolbox [[#References[1]]]. All standard sequences can be reviewed in RFC[???] [[#References[2]]]. This is a standard overhang sequence for in-frame cloning of Proteins of Interest in front or behind an Intein. A detailed cloning strategy is found on the iGEM team Heidelberg 2014's [[|wiki page]] as well as in RFC[???]. Specifically, this part contains the overhang A used to insert a protein behind any RFC[10] compatible RBS and in-frame with the start-codon. It lies within the four bases formed by the second last base of the XbaI/SpeI scar or the first base in front of start codon respectively and the start codon itself. false false _1738_ 0 12377 9 Not in stock false This part is only the sequence of a standard overhang. It will not be sent in as physical DNA and was merely created to easily compose new parts in the RFC[???] standard. In the actual cloning process this sequence was and is recommended to be inserted with the according PCR primers. false Constantin Ahlmann-Eltze, Charlotte Bunne, Magdalena B??scher, Jan Gleixner, Max Horn, Anna Huhn, Nils Klughammer, Jakob Kreft, Elisabeth Sch??fer, Carolin Schmelas, Silvan Schmitz, Max Waldha BBa_K1362400 1 NpuDnaE(N) NpuDnaE N-Intein cloning piece 2014-10-05T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:10:05Z Obtained from pVS07 by Prof. Henning D. Mootz, University of Muenster. Nostoc punctiforme DnaE split Intein N-terminal half. This is a DNA piece for cloning used to assemble other BioBrick parts. false false _1738_ 0 12377 9 Not in stock false This part represents only the intein sequence without inluding the standard splicing-site or polyglycine-linker overhangs. false Constantin Ahlmann-Eltze, Charlotte Bunne, Magdalena B&uuml;scher, Jan Gleixner, Max Horn, Anna Huhn, Nils Klughammer, Jakob Kreft, Elisabeth Sch&auml;fer, Carolin Schmelas, Silvan Schmitz, Max Waldha BBa_K1362424 1 BsaI -> BsaI restriction site for RFC[105] cloning 2014-10-06T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:10:05Z This standard restriction site sequence is used as part of the iGEM team Heidelberg 2014's Intein Toolbox [[#References|[1]]]. All associated standard sequences can be reviewed in RFC[???] This is the reverse complement of a BsaI restriction site headed by an Adenine as a spacer-base to separate the recognition sequence from the outward-lying cutting sequence. It was used by us for scarless golden-gate cloning to fuse inteins to other proteins and thereby implement a variety of possible port-translational modifications. false false _1738_ 0 12377 9 Not in stock false This part is only the sequence of a restriction site. It will not be sent in as physical DNA and was merely created to easily compose new parts in the RFC[???] standard. In the actual cloning process this sequence was and is recommended to be inserted with the according PCR primers. false Constantin Ahlmann-Eltze, Charlotte Bunne, Magdalena B??scher, Jan Gleixner, Max Horn, Anna Huhn, Nils Klughammer, Jakob Kreft, Elisabeth Sch??fer, Carolin Schmelas, Silvan Schmitz, Max Waldha BBa_K1362090 1 T7 RBS strong T7 RBS 2014-10-02T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:10:04Z synthesized as found in the T7 genome and several commercial expression plasmids. RFC10 compatible strong RBS derived from the T7 phage gene 10a (major capsid protein)[1]. When assembled to a coding part with the A of the start codon being part of the XbaI site, the RBS will be shifted one bp downstream compared to the native sequence. The sequence was successfully used by the iGEM team Heidelberg 2014 for the expression of many proteins in E.coli. 1. Olinss, P. & Rangwala, S. H. Derived from Bacteriophage T7 mRNA Acts ELS an Enhancer of Translation of the lac2 Gene in. 16973???16976 (1989). false false _1738_ 0 22830 9 It's complicated false The 18 bp including the XbaI that can be found upstream of the presumably important part of the RBS were included into the sequence just to make sure it works. However to fully comply with RFC10 a G was inserted behind the XbaI site. false Constantin Ahlmann-Eltze, Charlotte Bunne, Magdalena B??scher, Jan Gleixner, Max Horn, Anna Huhn, Nils Klughammer, Jakob Kreft, Elisabeth Sch??fer, Carolin Schmelas, Silvan Schmitz, Max Waldha annotation2393795 1 t7 RBS range2393795 1 11 28 annotation2393796 1 Shine-Dalgarno range2393796 1 21 28 BBa_K1362401 1 NpuDnaE(C) NpuDnaE C-Intein cloning piece 2014-10-05T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:10:05Z Obtained from pVS41 by Prof. Henning D. Mootz, University of Muenster. Nostoc punctiforme DnaE split Intein C-terminal half. This is a DNA piece for cloning used to assemble our other BioBrick parts. false false _1738_ 0 12377 9 Not in stock false This part represents only the intein sequence without inluding the standard splicing-site or polyglycine-linker overhangs. false Constantin Ahlmann-Eltze, Charlotte Bunne, Magdalena B??scher, Jan Gleixner, Max Horn, Anna Huhn, Nils Klughammer, Jakob Kreft, Elisabeth Sch??fer, Carolin Schmelas, Silvan Schmitz, Max Waldha BBa_K1362419 1 RFC105 CC C-terminal splicing overhang CAAC=1/3?+Asn RFC[105] standard overhang CC 2014-10-06T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:10:05Z This standard overhang part was developed as part of the iGEM team Heidelberg 2014's Intein Toolbox [[#References|[1]]]. All standard sequences can be reviewed in RFC[???] [[#References|[2]]]. This is a standard overhang sequence for in-frame cloning of Proteins of Interest in front or behind an Intein. A detailed cloning strategy is found on the iGEM team Heidelberg 2014's [ wiki page] as well as in RFC[???]. Specifically, this part contains the overhang E used to insert a protein in front of an N-Intein. It lies within the four bases formed by the cystein and the first base of the subsequent Leucine/Isoleucine or similar of the N-terminal splicing site. false false _1738_ 0 12377 9 Not in stock false This part is only the sequence of a standard overhang. It will not be sent in as physical DNA and was merely created to easily compose new parts in the RFC[???] standard. In the actual cloning process this sequence was and is recommended to be inserted with the according PCR primers. false Constantin Ahlmann-Eltze, Charlotte Bunne, Magdalena B??scher, Jan Gleixner, Max Horn, Anna Huhn, Nils Klughammer, Jakob Kreft, Elisabeth Sch??fer, Carolin Schmelas, Silvan Schmitz, Max Waldha BBa_K1362000 1 CircNpu NpuDnaE intein RFC[105] circularization construct 2014-10-06T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:10:04Z ??? ??? false false _1738_ 0 22830 9 In stock true ??? false Constantin Ahlmann-Eltze, Charlotte Bunne, Magdalena Buescher, Jan Gleixner, Max Horn, Anna Huhn, Nils Klughammer, Jakob Kreft, Elisabeth Schaefer, Carolin Schmelas, Silvan Schmitz, Max Waldhauer component2427487 1 BBa_K1362999 component2427481 1 BBa_K1362400 component2427478 1 BBa_K1362505 component2427472 1 BBa_G0000 component2427480 1 BBa_K1362415 component2427473 1 BBa_K1362414 component2427475 1 BBa_K1362419 component2427471 1 BBa_K1362090 component2427474 1 BBa_K1362401 component2427479 1 BBa_K1362424 component2427476 1 BBa_K1362423 component2427483 1 BBa_K1362421 annotation2427480 1 BBa_K1362415 range2427480 1 1227 1230 annotation2427483 1 BBa_K1362421 range2427483 1 1533 1536 annotation2427472 1 BBa_G0000 range2427472 1 30 35 annotation2427471 1 BBa_K1362090 range2427471 1 1 29 annotation2427478 1 BBa_K1362505 range2427478 1 151 1219 annotation2427475 1 BBa_K1362419 range2427475 1 140 143 annotation2427479 1 BBa_K1362424 range2427479 1 1220 1226 annotation2427473 1 BBa_K1362414 range2427473 1 36 38 annotation2427481 1 BBa_K1362400 range2427481 1 1231 1532 annotation2427476 1 BBa_K1362423 range2427476 1 144 150 annotation2427474 1 BBa_K1362401 range2427474 1 39 139 annotation2427487 1 BBa_K1362999 range2427487 1 1537 1562 BBa_K1362419_sequence 1 caac BBa_K1362423_sequence 1 agagacc BBa_K1362401_sequence 1 atcaaaatagccacacgtaaatatttaggcaaacaaaatgtctatgacattggagttgagcgcgaccataattttgcactcaaaaatggcttcatagcttc BBa_K1362414_sequence 1 atg BBa_K1362400_sequence 1 taagctatgaaacggaaatattgacagtagaatatggattattaccgattggtaaaattgtagaaaagcgcatcgaatgtactgtttatagcgttgataataatggaaatatttatacacaacctgtagcacaatggcacgatcgcggagaacaagaggtgtttgagtattgtttggaagatggttcattgattcgggcaacaaaagaccataagtttatgactgttgatggtcaaatgttgccaattgatgaaatatttgaacgtgaattggatttgatgcgggttgataatttgccgaat BBa_K1362999_sequence 1 aaatcggtgaaatgcacgactgatag BBa_K1362505_sequence 1 caatacgcaaaccgcctctccccgcgcgttggccgattcattaatgcagctggcacgacaggtttcccgactggaaagcgggcagtgagcgcaacgcaattaatgtgagttagctcactcattaggcaccccaggctttacactttatgcttccggctcgtatgttgtgtggaattgtgagcggataacaatttcacacatactagagaaagaggagaaatactagatggcttcctccgaagacgttatcaaagagttcatgcgtttcaaagttcgtatggaaggttccgttaacggtcacgagttcgaaatcgaaggtgaaggtgaaggtcgtccgtacgaaggtacccagaccgctaaactgaaagttaccaaaggtggtccgctgccgttcgcttgggacatcctgtccccgcagttccagtacggttccaaagcttacgttaaacacccggctgacatcccggactacctgaaactgtccttcccggaaggtttcaaatgggaacgtgttatgaacttcgaagacggtggtgttgttaccgttacccaggactcctccctgcaagacggtgagttcatctacaaagttaaactgcgtggtaccaacttcccgtccgatggtccggttatgcagaaaaaaaccatgggttgggaagcttccaccgaacgtatgtacccggaagacggtgctctgaaaggtgaaatcaaaatgcgtctgaaactgaaagacggtggtcactacgacgctgaagttaaaaccacctacatggctaaaaaaccggttcagctgccgggtgcttacaaaaccgacatcaaactggacatcacctcccacaacgaagactacaccatcgttgaacagtacgaacgtgctgaaggtcgtcactccaccggtgcttaataacgctgatagtgctagtgtagatcgctactagagccaggcatcaaataaaacgaaaggctcagtcgaaagactgggcctttcgttttatctgttgtttgtcggtgaacgctctctactagagtcacactggctcaccttcgggtgggcctttctgcgtttata BBa_K1362421_sequence 1 taat BBa_K1362090_sequence 1 aataattttgtttaactttaagaaggaga BBa_K1362415_sequence 1 tgct BBa_G0000_sequence 1 tactag BBa_K1362424_sequence 1 ggtctca BBa_K1362000_sequence 1 aataattttgtttaactttaagaaggagatactagatgatcaaaatagccacacgtaaatatttaggcaaacaaaatgtctatgacattggagttgagcgcgaccataattttgcactcaaaaatggcttcatagcttccaacagagacccaatacgcaaaccgcctctccccgcgcgttggccgattcattaatgcagctggcacgacaggtttcccgactggaaagcgggcagtgagcgcaacgcaattaatgtgagttagctcactcattaggcaccccaggctttacactttatgcttccggctcgtatgttgtgtggaattgtgagcggataacaatttcacacatactagagaaagaggagaaatactagatggcttcctccgaagacgttatcaaagagttcatgcgtttcaaagttcgtatggaaggttccgttaacggtcacgagttcgaaatcgaaggtgaaggtgaaggtcgtccgtacgaaggtacccagaccgctaaactgaaagttaccaaaggtggtccgctgccgttcgcttgggacatcctgtccccgcagttccagtacggttccaaagcttacgttaaacacccggctgacatcccggactacctgaaactgtccttcccggaaggtttcaaatgggaacgtgttatgaacttcgaagacggtggtgttgttaccgttacccaggactcctccctgcaagacggtgagttcatctacaaagttaaactgcgtggtaccaacttcccgtccgatggtccggttatgcagaaaaaaaccatgggttgggaagcttccaccgaacgtatgtacccggaagacggtgctctgaaaggtgaaatcaaaatgcgtctgaaactgaaagacggtggtcactacgacgctgaagttaaaaccacctacatggctaaaaaaccggttcagctgccgggtgcttacaaaaccgacatcaaactggacatcacctcccacaacgaagactacaccatcgttgaacagtacgaacgtgctgaaggtcgtcactccaccggtgcttaataacgctgatagtgctagtgtagatcgctactagagccaggcatcaaataaaacgaaaggctcagtcgaaagactgggcctttcgttttatctgttgtttgtcggtgaacgctctctactagagtcacactggctcaccttcgggtgggcctttctgcgtttataggtctcatgcttaagctatgaaacggaaatattgacagtagaatatggattattaccgattggtaaaattgtagaaaagcgcatcgaatgtactgtttatagcgttgataataatggaaatatttatacacaacctgtagcacaatggcacgatcgcggagaacaagaggtgtttgagtattgtttggaagatggttcattgattcgggcaacaaaagaccataagtttatgactgttgatggtcaaatgttgccaattgatgaaatatttgaacgtgaattggatttgatgcgggttgataatttgccgaattaataaatcggtgaaatgcacgactgatag igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 James Alastair McLaughlin Chris J. Myers 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z