LOCUS BBa_K1405007 200 bp DNA linear 22-Dec-2024 DEFINITION A Kill Switch with "memory" time repressed by IPTG ACCESSION BBa_K1405007 VERSION BBa_K1405007.1 FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS 1..88 /label=end of LacI coding region (inactive) misc_feature 1..200 /label=BBa_R0010 misc_feature 89..126 /label=CAP binding site promoter 137..142 /label=-35 promoter 161..166 /label=-10 misc_feature 166..200 /label=LacI binding site misc_feature 173..173 /label=start promoter 1..200 /label=BBa_R0010 ORIGIN 1 caatacgcaa accgcctctc cccgcgcgtt ggccgattca ttaatgcagc tggcacgaca 61 ggtttcccga ctggaaagcg ggcagtgagc gcaacgcaat taatgtgagt tagctcactc 121 attaggcacc ccaggcttta cactttatgc ttccggctcg tatgttgtgt ggaattgtga 181 gcggataaca atttcacaca //