BBa_K143035 1 LipA-HE LipA-Human Elastin (EP20-24-24) Fusion Protein 2008-09-17T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:10:24Z All exons in EP20-24-24 are derived from the human elastin polypeptide gene. EP20-24-24 was used to study the effect of various combinations of exons on coacervation of elastin polypeptide. LipA originated from the B. subtilis genome<cite>4</cite>. Both components were produced as a fusion protein by GeneArt. Elastin is a polymeric extracellular matrix protein found in tissues that require the ability to extend and recoil. Examples of elastin containing tissues include arteries, lungs, ligaments and skin. Construct EP20-24-24 for human elastin polypeptide consists of distinct exons which code for alternating hydrophobic regions and crosslinking domains from the human elastin polypeptide gene <cite>1</cite>. Under appropriate conditions of temperature and ionic strength, elastin polypeptide undergoes a self-aggregation process known as coacervation. Coacervation is usually induced by an increase in temperature and causes the protein to separate from the solution as a second phase. Unlike most proteins which undergo denaturation when the temperature of the solution increases, elastin polypeptides become more ordered through coacervation <cite>2</cite>. LipA is a signal peptide from the B.subtilis genome. In general, signal peptides are responsible for directing preproteins (secretory proteins with a signal peptide region attached)through an appropriate secretory pathway<cite>3</cite>. LipA has been successfully used in the secretion of heterologous proteins such as cutinase by ''B. subtilis''. false false _199_ 0 3429 9 It's complicated false BioBrick standard was applied to the LipA-Human Elastin(EP20-24-24) Fusion Protein. false Qin Qi annotation1992707 1 start range1992707 1 1 3 annotation1992710 1 stop range1992710 1 703 705 annotation1976410 1 LipA range1976410 1 1 102 annotation1992708 1 Human Elastin (EP20-24-24) range1992708 1 103 699 annotation1992709 1 stop range1992709 1 700 702 BBa_K143035_sequence 1 atgaaatttgtgaaaagacgcattattgcactggttacaattctgatgctgtcagttacatcactgtttgcactgcaaccgtcagcaaaagcagcagaacattttccgggctttggcgttggcgttggaggcattccgggagttgcaggcgttccgggcgttggcggagtcccgggagtcggcggcgttcctggcgtcggcattccggaagcacaagcagcagcagcggcaaaagcagcgaaatatggcgttggcacaccggcagcggcagcagcgaaagcagcagcaaaagcggcacaatttggcctggttccgggcgtcggagttgcaccgggagttggcgttgcgcctggcgttggagtggctccgggagtgggattagcacctggcgtgggcgtagcaccgggtgtgggagttgctcctggtgtcggcgttgctccggcaattggcccggaagcacaggcggctgcggcagcgaaagcggcaaaatatggtgtcggaacacctgcggcagcagcagctaaagctgcggcgaaagcagcgcagtttggccttgtcccgggagttggtgtcgcaccgggcgtaggtgtcgctccgggtgttggagtggcccctggcgtaggccttgctccgggagtaggcgtagctccgggagtcggtgtggcacctggtgtcggcgtcgcaccggcaattggaccgtaataa igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z