BBa_K1500999 1 BBa_K1500999 ParoF promoter 2014-10-16T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:10:47Z Cloned from wild-type DH5-alpha E. coli genomic sequence. Used in BBa_1500001, this promoter drives expression of the AroF promoter in wild-type E. coli. Here, it is used as a tyrosine-repressible promoter sensitive to the transcription factor TyrR. false false _1880_ 0 23136 9 Not in stock false None. false Kevin Yang annotation2422932 1 misc range2422932 1 1 200 BBa_K1500001 1 BBa_K1500001 ParoF-mCherry backbone 2014-10-16T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:10:46Z mCherry-LVA (BBa_J06505) was used and came from the registry plasmid. ParoF was cloned from wild-type DH5-alpha E. coli genomic sequence. RBS.3 (BBa_B0032) sequence originally came from the registry and was designed directly into primer overhangs for mCherry-LVA. A plasmid that contains the tyrosine-repressible promoter ParoF, followed by an RBS (RBS.3, medium strength) and mCherry-LVA as a reporter gene directly downstream. We used it to insert our combinations of mutator genes directly downstream of the ParoF promoter, forming the actuator module of our project which contains an optimized promoter, a reporter, and one or more mutators. The transcription factor TyrR can bind to ParoF and repress it when itself bound to tyrosine. false false _1880_ 0 23136 9 It's complicated false In order to insert mutator genes downstream of the mCherry-LVA, we would cut open the two downstream restriction sites, with corresponding cuts on the mutator genes, before ligating the insert and this plasmid together. false Kevin Yang component2422926 1 BBa_B0032 component2422931 1 BBa_J06505 component2422924 1 BBa_K1500999 annotation2422924 1 BBa_K1500999 range2422924 1 1 200 annotation2422926 1 BBa_B0032 range2422926 1 209 221 annotation2422931 1 BBa_J06505 range2422931 1 228 950 BBa_B0032 1 BBa_B0032 RBS.3 (medium) -- derivative of BBa_0030 2003-01-31T12:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:07:20Z Released HQ 2013 Weak1 RBS based on Ron Weiss thesis. Strength is considered relative to <bb_part>BBa_B0030</bb_part>, <bb_part>BBa_B0031</bb_part>, <bb_part>BBa_B0033</bb_part>. false true _41_44_48_46_1_ 0 24 7 In stock false Varies from -6 to +1 region from original sequence to accomodate BioBricks suffix (&quot;RBS-2&quot; in figure 4-14 of thesis). <P> Contact info for this part: <a href="mailto:(">Brian Chow</a> true Vinay S Mahajan, Voichita D. Marinescu, Brian Chow, Alexander D Wissner-Gross and Peter Carr IAP, 2003. annotation7027 1 BBa_B0032 range7027 1 1 13 annotation1709 1 RBS-3\Weak range1709 1 1 13 annotation1710 1 RBS range1710 1 7 10 BBa_J06505 1 mCherry monomeric RFP optimized for bacteria 2005-07-17T11:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:08:18Z mCherry from Roger Y. Tsien's lab, altered to be BioBrick compatible and with an LVA tag added. Released HQ 2013 mRFP (DsRed) derived, altered to be a biobrick by removing a PstI site and adding in the ends. false false _20_ 0 340 20 In stock false <p> Made a point mutation to eliminate a PstI site in the middle and then added BioBrick ends with the LVA tag using PCR. </p> <p> Sequenced using primers that bind to the pSB1A2 plasmid on either side of the brick. </p> false ytwang annotation1585879 1 mCherry range1585879 1 1 708 annotation1585880 1 C->T (removing PstI site) range1585880 1 352 352 annotation1585887 1 LVA range1585887 1 709 717 BBa_J06505_sequence 1 atggtgagcaagggcgaggaggataacatggccatcatcaaggagttcatgcgcttcaaggtgcacatggagggctccgtgaacggccacgagttcgagatcgagggcgagggcgagggccgcccctacgagggcacccagaccgccaagctgaaggtgaccaagggtggccccctgcccttcgcctgggacatcctgtcccctcagttcatgtacggctccaaggcctacgtgaagcaccccgccgacatccccgactacttgaagctgtccttccccgagggcttcaagtgggagcgcgtgatgaacttcgaggacggcggcgtggtgaccgtgacccaggactcctccttgcaggacggcgagttcatctacaaggtgaagctgcgcggcaccaacttcccctccgacggccccgtaatgcagaagaagaccatgggctgggaggcctcctccgagcggatgtaccccgaggacggcgccctgaagggcgagatcaagcagaggctgaagctgaaggacggcggccactacgacgctgaggtcaagaccacctacaaggccaagaagcccgtgcagctgcccggcgcctacaacgtcaacatcaagttggacatcacctcccacaacgaggactacaccatcgtggaacagtacgaacgcgccgagggccgccactccaccggcggcatggacgagctgtacaagttagtagcttaataa BBa_B0032_sequence 1 tcacacaggaaag BBa_K1500001_sequence 1 ctttttcaaagcatagcggattgttttcaaagggagtgtaaatttatctatacagaggtaagggttgaaagcgcgactaaattgcctgtgtaaataaaaatgtacgaaatatggattgaaaactttactttatgtgttatcgttacgtcatcctcgctgaggatcaactatcgcaaacgagcataaacaggatcgccatctactagagtcacacaggaaagtactagatggtgagcaagggcgaggaggataacatggccatcatcaaggagttcatgcgcttcaaggtgcacatggagggctccgtgaacggccacgagttcgagatcgagggcgagggcgagggccgcccctacgagggcacccagaccgccaagctgaaggtgaccaagggtggccccctgcccttcgcctgggacatcctgtcccctcagttcatgtacggctccaaggcctacgtgaagcaccccgccgacatccccgactacttgaagctgtccttccccgagggcttcaagtgggagcgcgtgatgaacttcgaggacggcggcgtggtgaccgtgacccaggactcctccttgcaggacggcgagttcatctacaaggtgaagctgcgcggcaccaacttcccctccgacggccccgtaatgcagaagaagaccatgggctgggaggcctcctccgagcggatgtaccccgaggacggcgccctgaagggcgagatcaagcagaggctgaagctgaaggacggcggccactacgacgctgaggtcaagaccacctacaaggccaagaagcccgtgcagctgcccggcgcctacaacgtcaacatcaagttggacatcacctcccacaacgaggactacaccatcgtggaacagtacgaacgcgccgagggccgccactccaccggcggcatggacgagctgtacaagttagtagcttaataa BBa_K1500999_sequence 1 ctttttcaaagcatagcggattgttttcaaagggagtgtaaatttatctatacagaggtaagggttgaaagcgcgactaaattgcctgtgtaaataaaaatgtacgaaatatggattgaaaactttactttatgtgttatcgttacgtcatcctcgctgaggatcaactatcgcaaacgagcataaacaggatcgccatc igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z