BBa_K1583018 1 BBa_K1583018 SpyCatcher without startcodon + His-tag 2015-09-13T11:00:00Z 2015-09-14T01:44:54Z This gene was synthesized as part of biobrick BBa_K1583113. The idea of using Spytag/SpyCatcher was based on the paper "Programmable biofilm-based materials fromengineered curli nanofibres"[1] 1. Nguyen, P. Q., Botyanszki, Z., Tay, P. K. R., & Joshi, N. S. (2014). Programmable biofilm-based materials from engineered curli nanofibres. Nature communications, 5. SpyCatcher is a protein that can spontaneously form covalent isopeptide linkages with it??s counterpart `Spytag` under physiological conditions. false false _2000_ 24478 24478 9 false Startcodon was not included, since BFP (BBa_K1583017) was placed in front of this biobrick. false Max van 't Hof annotation2453886 1 SpyCatcher range2453886 1 1 387 annotation2453888 1 Stop-codon range2453888 1 406 408 annotation2453887 1 His-tag range2453887 1 388 405 BBa_K1583018_sequence 1 gattacgacatcccaacgaccgaaaacctgtattttcagggcgccatggttgataccttatcaggtttatcaagtgagcaaggtcagtccggtgatatgacaattgaagaagatagtgctacccatattaaattctcaaaacgtgatgaggacggcaaagagttagctggtgcaactatggagttgcgtgattcatctggtaaaactattagtacatggatttcagatggacaagtgaaagatttctacctgtatccaggaaaatatacatttgtcgaaaccgcagcaccagacggttatgaggtagcaactgctattacctttacagttaatgagcaaggtcaggttactgtaaatggcaaagcaactaaaggtgacgctcatattcatcatcaccatcaccactaa igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z