LOCUS BBa_K1638013 968 bp DNA linear 24-Mar-2025 DEFINITION Leucine zipper fused to T25 domain of cyaA from Bordetella pertussis ACCESSION BBa_K1638013 VERSION BBa_K1638013.1 FEATURES Location/Qualifiers promoter 88..112 /label=Lac promoter misc_feature 121..142 /label=Lac operator misc_feature 55..70 /label=CAP binding promoter 1..142 /label=BBa_K1638000 misc_feature 151..156 /label=Shine-Dalgarno RBS 143..161 /label=BBa_K1638001 misc_feature 843..848 /label=BamHI restriction site CDS 162..848 /label=BBa_K1638002 misc_feature 1..848 /label=BBa_K1638003 misc_feature 849..872 /label=BBa_K1638016 CDS 873..968 /label=BBa_K1638012 misc_feature 849..968 /label=BBa_S05273 ORIGIN 1 ctggcacgac aggtttcccg actggaaagc gggcagtgag cgcaacgcaa ttaatgtgag 61 ttagctcact cattaggcac cccaggcttt acactttatg cttccggctc gtatgttgtg 121 tggaattgtg agcggataac aatttcacac aggaaacagc tatgaccatg cagcaatcgc 181 atcaggctgg ttacgcaaac gccgccgacc gggagtctgg catccccgca gccgtactcg 241 atggcatcaa ggccgtggcg aaggaaaaaa acgccacatt gatgttccgc ctggtcaacc 301 cccattccac cagcctgatt gccgaagggg tggccaccaa aggattgggc gtgcacgcca 361 agtcgtccga ttgggggttg caggcgggct acattcccgt caacccgaat ctttccaaac 421 tgttcggccg tgcgcccgag gtgatcgcgc gggccgacaa cgacgtcaac agcagcctgg 481 cgcatggcca taccgcggtc gacctgacgc tgtcgaaaga gcggcttgac tatctgcggc 541 aagcgggcct ggtcaccggc atggccgatg gcgtggtcgc gagcaaccac gcaggctacg 601 agcagttcga gtttcgcgtg aaggaaacct cggacgggcg ctatgccgtg cagtatcgcc 661 gcaagggcgg cgacgatttc gaggcggtca aggtgatcgg caatgccgcc ggtattccac 721 tgacggcgga tatcgacatg ttcgccatta tgccgcatct gtccaacttc cgcgactcgg 781 cgcgcagttc ggtgaccagc ggcgattcgg tgaccgatta cctggcgcgc acgcggcggg 841 ctggatccga aaatttgtat tttcaatctg gtatgaaaca gctggaagac aaagttgaag 901 aactgctgtc caaaaactac cacctggaaa acgaagttgc tcgtctgaaa aaactggttg 961 gtgaacgt //