BBa_K1727000 1 BBa_K1727000 Signiferin with signal peptide 2015-09-01T11:00:00Z 2016-02-03T10:04:50Z We synthesis this sequence from IDT (Integrated device technology) company. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are stable peptides that have extensive ability to kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria. They play a role in defense mechanism for all organisms, ranging from prokaryotes to humans, to against predators. Some of them act against specific strain of microbes. Signiferin is a kinds of antimicrobial peptide extracted from the skin mucus of Crinia signifera, respectively. It demonstrated effectiveness in killing MRSA. And we had change it's sequence into E.coli codon usage. We treat a signal peptide in front of signiferin. This signal peptide comes from S.lividas and has ability to let E.coli secrect signiferin to LB culture medium. false false _2148_ 4206 25489 9 true We had change signiferin sequence into E.coli codon usage. In order to get the antimicrobial peptide easily we treat signal peptide in front of the AMP. false Ying Kuan annotation2473435 1 Restriction enzyme site Nco I range2473435 1 1 6 annotation2473437 1 Signiferin range2473437 1 105 173 annotation2473447 1 Restriction enzyme site BamH I range2473447 1 173 179 annotation2473436 1 signal peptide range2473436 1 7 104 BBa_K1727000_sequence 1 ctcgaggaattcccatgggctttcgtcataaagcggcggcgctggcggcgaccctggcgctgccgctggcgggcctggtgggcctggcgagcccggcgcaggcggcgattattggccatctgattaaaaccgcgctgggcatgctgggcctgtaataataaggatccctgcagtctaga igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z