BBa_K1855005 1 BBa_K1855005 BclA-Zif268 2015-09-16T11:00:00Z 2015-09-17T03:13:15Z BclA is originally from Bacillus Anthracis; Zif268 is from mice. A fusion protein of a transmembrane domain (BclA) and a zinc-finger domain (Zif268 1AAY fragment),under pL_lac promotion and containing a C-terminal FLAG tag. It is used to exhibit a zinc-finger dsDNA binding domain complimentary to CCGCCCNCGC on the cell surface of E.coli. false false _2282_ 27125 27125 9 false We had to optimise the codon for E.coli K12, and then alter the codon slightly to remove unwanted cut sites. The BclA domain is preceeded by an NdeI cut site, and followed by an AgeI cut site. The Zif268 fragment domain is preceeded by an NheI cut site and followed by a ClaI cut site. false Iain Galpin annotation2466912 1 Linker range2466912 1 150 185 annotation2466914 1 Linker range2466914 1 465 488 annotation2466915 1 3x FLAG range2466915 1 492 563 annotation2466909 1 pL_lac range2466909 1 1 56 annotation2466910 1 B0034 Strong RBS range2466910 1 60 80 annotation2466916 1 BBa_K864600 T0 Terminator range2466916 1 570 621 annotation2466913 1 Zif268 range2466913 1 192 458 annotation2466911 1 BclA range2466911 1 84 146 BBa_K1855005_sequence 1 ataaatgtgagcggataacattgacattgtgagcggataacaagatactgagcacattaattaaagaggagaaaggtacccatatggcattcgatccgaatctggttggccctaccctgccaccgattccgccgttcaccctgccgaccggtggctctggcggtggctccggtggcggctccggcgctagcgaacgtccttatgcttgtccagtggagtcttgcgatcgccgtttctcccgtagcgacgaactgacccgtcacatccgtatccacaccggccagaagccgtttcaatgccgtatctgtatgcgtaacttttcccgcagcgatcacctgactacccacatccgtacccatactggtgaaaaaccgttcgcgtgcgatatctgtggtcgcaaattcgcacgcagcgacgaacgcaaacgtcatactaaaattcacctgcgtcagaaagatatcgatggtggcggttccggcggcggttcccatgattataaagatgacgatgacaaagactacaaggacgatgacgacaaggactataaggacgacgacgataagtgataattgttcagaacgctcggtcttgcacaccgggcgttttttctttgtgagtcca igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 James Alastair McLaughlin Chris J. Myers 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z