LOCUS BBa_K1859010 248 bp DNA linear 16-Feb-2025 DEFINITION the 3??side of the intron[BBa_K1332005] +GSGSGS*3 linker ACCESSION BBa_K1859010 VERSION BBa_K1859010.1 FEATURES Location/Qualifiers ORIGIN 1 ggttctacat aaatgcctaa cgactatccc tttggggagt agggtcaagt gactcgaaac 61 gatagacaac ttgctttaac aagttggaga tatagtctgc tctgcatggt gacatgcagc 121 tggatataat tccggggtaa gattaacgac cttatctgaa cataatgcta ccgtttaata 181 ttgcgtcata ctagaggtag tggtagtggt agtggtagtg gtagtggtag tggtagtggt 241 agtggtag //