BBa_E1010 1 mRFP1 **highly** engineered mutant of red fluorescent protein from Discosoma striata (coral) 2004-07-27T11:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:07:26Z Campbell et al., PNAS v99 p7877 <a href="">URL</a> Released HQ 2013 monomeric RFP: Red Fluorescent Protein. Excitation peak: 584 nm Emission peak: 607 nm false false _11_1_ 0 52 7 In stock false TAATAA double stop codon added (DE). Four silent mutations made to remove three EcoRI sites and one PstI site: A28G, A76G, A349G, G337A. true Drew Endy annotation1014044 1 mrfp1 range1014044 1 1 675 annotation2214014 1 Help:Barcodes range2214014 1 682 706 BBa_K1913026 1 BBa_K1913026 Wild type ptet-FixK2 hybrid promoter 2016-10-13T11:00:00Z 2016-10-14T03:29:38Z Genomic sequence of Bradyrhizobium japonicum Wild type ptet-FixK2 hybrid promoter is the promoter that could not only be activated by light sensorsYF1-FixJ composite and but inhibited by TetR repressor. The sequence of upper control element and core element region are from wild type FixK2 hybrid promoter on genomic sequence of Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Additional tet operators are inserted in the core element region of promoter as second control element that results in transcription repression. false false _2380_ 29979 29979 9 false In order to make Fixk2 promoter as an inducible promoter for the toggle switch, we had to add additional repressor operator sequences into the Fixk2 sequence, they are both inserted in the core element region of the Fixk2 sequence, which could be bonded by dimerized TetR repressors resulting in the formation of steric hindrance and consequently on transcription repression. false Tianhe Wang annotation2501563 1 tet operator range2501563 1 107 125 annotation2501545 1 FixJ box range2501545 1 43 46 annotation2501564 1 RBS range2501564 1 133 137 annotation2501547 1 FixJ box range2501547 1 69 76 annotation2501548 1 tet operator range2501548 1 82 100 BBa_B0012 1 BBa_B0012 TE from coliphageT7 2003-01-31T12:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:07:20Z Derived from the TE terminator of T7 bacteriophage between Genes 1.3 and 1.4 <genbank>V01146</genbank>. Released HQ 2013 Transcription terminator for the <i>E.coli</i> RNA polymerase. false false _1_ 0 24 7 In stock false <P> <P>Suggested by Sri Kosuri and Drew Endy as a high efficiency terminator. The 5' end cutoff was placed immediately after the TAA stop codon and the 3' end cutoff was placed just prior to the RBS of Gene 1.4 (before AAGGAG).<P> Use anywhere transcription should be stopped when the gene of interest is upstream of this terminator. false Reshma Shetty annotation1690 1 polya range1690 1 28 41 annotation1687 1 stop range1687 1 34 34 annotation7020 1 BBa_B0012 range7020 1 1 41 annotation1686 1 T7 TE range1686 1 8 27 BBa_B0015 1 BBa_B0015 double terminator (B0010-B0012) 2003-07-16T11:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:07:20Z Released HQ 2013 Double terminator consisting of BBa_B0010 and BBa_B0012 false true _1_ 0 24 7 In stock false true Reshma Shetty component1916612 1 BBa_B0012 component1916610 1 BBa_B0010 annotation1916612 1 BBa_B0012 range1916612 1 89 129 annotation1916610 1 BBa_B0010 range1916610 1 1 80 BBa_B0010 1 BBa_B0010 T1 from E. coli rrnB 2003-11-19T12:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:07:20Z Transcriptional terminator consisting of a 64 bp stem-loop. false false _1_ 0 24 7 In stock false true Randy Rettberg annotation7018 1 BBa_B0010 range7018 1 1 80 annotation4184 1 stem_loop range4184 1 12 55 BBa_K1913028 1 BBa_K1913028 Wild type ptet-FixK2 hybrid promoter with mRFP 2016-10-13T11:00:00Z 2016-10-14T06:53:53Z Genomic sequence of Bradyrhizobium japonicum, iGEM part registry. pltet-FixK2 hybrid promoter composite part includes mRFP reporter (BBa_E1010). After co-transformation with light sensor BBa_K1913033, mRFP fluorescence could be detected after 12h culture. false false _2380_ 29979 29979 9 false In order to test wild type ptet-FixK2 hybrid promoter,we put reporter mRFP under this promoter and co-transformed with light sensor BBa_K1913034. And mRFP fluorescence value was tested so that the intensity of transcription of this promoter could be quantified. false Tianhe Wang component2503176 1 BBa_K1913026 component2503179 1 BBa_E1010 component2503186 1 BBa_B0015 annotation2503176 1 BBa_K1913026 range2503176 1 1 137 annotation2503186 1 BBa_B0015 range2503186 1 858 986 annotation2503179 1 BBa_E1010 range2503179 1 144 849 BBa_B0010_sequence 1 ccaggcatcaaataaaacgaaaggctcagtcgaaagactgggcctttcgttttatctgttgtttgtcggtgaacgctctc BBa_K1913028_sequence 1 ccatccaggaccggcctcgggcatgacctacggggttctacgtaaggcaccccccttaagatatcgctcgaaattttcgaatccctatcagtgatagagaaccaattccctatcagtgatagagagcgtctaggagatactagatggcttcctccgaagacgttatcaaagagttcatgcgtttcaaagttcgtatggaaggttccgttaacggtcacgagttcgaaatcgaaggtgaaggtgaaggtcgtccgtacgaaggtacccagaccgctaaactgaaagttaccaaaggtggtccgctgccgttcgcttgggacatcctgtccccgcagttccagtacggttccaaagcttacgttaaacacccggctgacatcccggactacctgaaactgtccttcccggaaggtttcaaatgggaacgtgttatgaacttcgaagacggtggtgttgttaccgttacccaggactcctccctgcaagacggtgagttcatctacaaagttaaactgcgtggtaccaacttcccgtccgacggtccggttatgcagaaaaaaaccatgggttgggaagcttccaccgaacgtatgtacccggaagacggtgctctgaaaggtgaaatcaaaatgcgtctgaaactgaaagacggtggtcactacgacgctgaagttaaaaccacctacatggctaaaaaaccggttcagctgccgggtgcttacaaaaccgacatcaaactggacatcacctcccacaacgaagactacaccatcgttgaacagtacgaacgtgctgaaggtcgtcactccaccggtgcttaataacgctgatagtgctagtgtagatcgctactagagccaggcatcaaataaaacgaaaggctcagtcgaaagactgggcctttcgttttatctgttgtttgtcggtgaacgctctctactagagtcacactggctcaccttcgggtgggcctttctgcgtttata BBa_E1010_sequence 1 atggcttcctccgaagacgttatcaaagagttcatgcgtttcaaagttcgtatggaaggttccgttaacggtcacgagttcgaaatcgaaggtgaaggtgaaggtcgtccgtacgaaggtacccagaccgctaaactgaaagttaccaaaggtggtccgctgccgttcgcttgggacatcctgtccccgcagttccagtacggttccaaagcttacgttaaacacccggctgacatcccggactacctgaaactgtccttcccggaaggtttcaaatgggaacgtgttatgaacttcgaagacggtggtgttgttaccgttacccaggactcctccctgcaagacggtgagttcatctacaaagttaaactgcgtggtaccaacttcccgtccgacggtccggttatgcagaaaaaaaccatgggttgggaagcttccaccgaacgtatgtacccggaagacggtgctctgaaaggtgaaatcaaaatgcgtctgaaactgaaagacggtggtcactacgacgctgaagttaaaaccacctacatggctaaaaaaccggttcagctgccgggtgcttacaaaaccgacatcaaactggacatcacctcccacaacgaagactacaccatcgttgaacagtacgaacgtgctgaaggtcgtcactccaccggtgcttaataacgctgatagtgctagtgtagatcgc BBa_B0012_sequence 1 tcacactggctcaccttcgggtgggcctttctgcgtttata BBa_K1913026_sequence 1 ccatccaggaccggcctcgggcatgacctacggggttctacgtaaggcaccccccttaagatatcgctcgaaattttcgaatccctatcagtgatagagaaccaattccctatcagtgatagagagcgtctaggaga BBa_B0015_sequence 1 ccaggcatcaaataaaacgaaaggctcagtcgaaagactgggcctttcgttttatctgttgtttgtcggtgaacgctctctactagagtcacactggctcaccttcgggtgggcctttctgcgtttata igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z