LOCUS BBa_K1919000 195 bp DNA linear 13-Mar-2025 DEFINITION The coding sequence of antimicrobial peptide CecropinXJ ACCESSION BBa_K1919000 VERSION BBa_K1919000.1 FEATURES Location/Qualifiers misc_feature 1..3 /label=ATG start codon CDS 1..195 /label=CecropinXJ coding sequence misc_feature 190..195 /label=double TAA stop codon ORIGIN 1 atgaacttcg ctaaaatcct gtctttcgtt ttcgctctgg ttctggctct gtctatgacc 61 tctgctgctc cggaaccgcg ttggaaaatc ttcaaaaaaa tcgaaaaaat gggtcgtaac 121 atccgtgacg gtatcgttaa agctggtccg gctatcgaag ttctgggttc tgctaaagct 181 atcggtaaat aataa //