BBa_K1955002 1 BBa_K1955002 Leishmania- 3 prime UTR 2016-10-13T11:00:00Z 2016-10-17T07:14:28Z The Leish-3'UTR sequence originally came from Leishmania genome and is acquired from GenBank. The specific terminator function in Leishmania genome has not been elucidated yet. We selected the 3??? untranslated region of a highly expressed gene, NAGT, to be the transcription terminator and other extra function modifications needed for Leishmania protein expression termination. This biobrick needs to use with the Leish-5'UTR-HYG that we provide as the regulation of protein expression and also the drug selection system for the Leishmania to perform a complete protein expression system in Leishamnia. Add the protein sequence in between the Leish-5'UTR-HYG and Leish-3'UTR for Leishmania to express your target protein. false false _2422_ 30462 30553 9 false The Leish-3???UTR is a 774 bp DNA sequence, which is directly synthesized by IDT. We acquired the original leishmania genome sequence of NAGT coding region and intergenic region from NCBI (GenBank accession# L11705), and choose the 3???UTR region of the sequence as the transcription terminator and protein expression regulator in our expression vector. Some nucleotides had been changed to avoid the restriction site. The function of the 3???UTR intergenic region was studied and published by Dr. Kwang-Poo Chang (Gene 196 (1997) 49???59). false Justine Hsu BBa_K1955002_sequence 1 agccaggtttgaaggacgcgcaagagaggccatgcactgtgctgttgagtttttgttgctgttttcttgttttcacccctgtgtgtgcgggtgtcgattgcccttgaatgcgcacattgcgctccgagaaggctcgccgatggggtgaaacgaggactgctgacgctgacattgtgaacatgcgtgcagccatcccgtccgacgtttctccacctcgatggcacggccacgcaccaaaagcgagatcctgctgtaaggaagcagacgtattccttggctgcacagtgagcactgtcccccatgcactgctggcgtgcaccctatgtttaaaggagaacgaacacacaaacaggcatcttccgagcactccgctgttctgcactggagggggcggggcgcgaaaaaaaaagagaaaagcgtctcagtgactgacgtatgtcttcgcttttcctttctggatggtgccagcgttggctgccacctatctgccccttgtttcgcaaatggggcattgctttcctgaacctcctcgtccctccgtgtgtatgcatcggcgtgtttgtgtatgggcatgtatgcatatctgggctcctgagtcacggttcgcttctcttcgtgctctctctctactcgtatccattggtgtgtgcgtctccgccacgtagaggtgctgtgtggcgttattcggctcgtgtgtttgtgtgtggtgtgctaggttttgcttccgcggtgcgtccgtcacaacttcatccctcatcctcccttctaccactt igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z