BBa_K2066050 1 BBa_K2066050 F30 scaffold / 2x Broccoli 2016-10-08T11:00:00Z 2016-10-12T01:33:27Z taken from the addGene plasmid This part was designed for Gibson assembly. false false _2534_ 27446 31547 9 false N/A false Kalen Clifton, Christine Gao, Andrew Halleran, Ethan Jones, Likhitha Kolla, Joseph Maniaci, John Marken, John Mitchell, Callan Monette, Adam Reiss component2495127 1 BBa_K2066520 component2495126 1 BBa_K2066018 component2495128 1 BBa_K2066019 annotation2495128 1 BBa_K2066019 range2495128 1 275 314 annotation2495127 1 BBa_K2066520 range2495127 1 41 274 annotation2495126 1 BBa_K2066018 range2495126 1 1 40 BBa_K2066018 1 BBa_K2066018 UNS 2 Sequence, from Torella et al., 2013 2016-07-11T11:00:00Z 2016-10-19T05:41:43Z Torella, J. P., Boehm, C. R., Lienert, F., Chen, J. H., Way, J. C., & Silver, P. A. (2013). Rapid construction of insulated genetic circuits via synthetic sequence-guided isothermal assembly. Nucleic acids research, gkt860. This is Unique Nucleotide Sequence 2, (UNS 2), from Torella et al., 2013. The William and Mary iGEM team has adopted this as our standard prefix; as such, all of our parts will have this sequence immediately following the BioBrick prefix. We took this measure in order to allow easier Gibson Assembly cloning of our parts. Primer sequences which can be used to clone with the UNS 2/3 standard can be found on our wiki. false false _2534_ 31544 27446 9 false UNS 2 was chosen because it works well with UNS 3 and it is in accordance with the BioBrick standard. false Kalen Clifton, Christine Gao, Andrew Halleran, Ethan Jones, Likhitha Kolla, Joseph Maniaci, John Marken, John Mitchell, Callan Monette, Adam Reiss BBa_K2066019 1 BBa_K2066019 UNS 3 Sequence, from Torella et al., 2013 2016-07-11T11:00:00Z 2016-10-19T05:43:00Z Torella, J. P., Boehm, C. R., Lienert, F., Chen, J. H., Way, J. C., & Silver, P. A. (2013). Rapid construction of insulated genetic circuits via synthetic sequence-guided isothermal assembly. Nucleic acids research, gkt860. This is Unique Nucleotide Sequence 3, (UNS 3), from Torella et al., 2013. The William and Mary iGEM team has adopted this as our standard prefix; as such, all of our parts will have this sequence immediately following the BioBrick prefix. We took this measure in order to allow easier Gibson Assembly cloning of our parts. Primer sequences which can be used to clone with the UNS 2/3 standard can be found on our wiki. The sequence for this part came from the following paper: Torella, J. P., Boehm, C. R., Lienert, F., Chen, J. H., Way, J. C., & Silver, P. A. (2013). Rapid construction of insulated genetic circuits via synthetic sequence-guided isothermal assembly. Nucleic acids research, gkt860. A huge thanks to all the researchers involved in its original creation! false false _2534_ 31544 27446 9 false This UNS sequence was chosen to serve as the 3' primer in our standard because it works well with UNS 2 and it adheres to the BioBrick standards. false Kalen Clifton, Christine Gao, Andrew Halleran, Ethan Jones, Likhitha Kolla, Joseph Maniaci, John Marken, John Mitchell, Callan Monette, Adam Reiss BBa_K2066520 1 BBa_K2066520 F30 scaffold / 2xBroccoli 2016-10-08T11:00:00Z 2016-10-08T11:16:28Z The broccoli sequence is from This part is meant for use in Promoter Characterization and RBS Characterization subproject for WM iGEM 2016. false false _2534_ 31544 31544 9 false The part does have a SpeI cutsite in the Spinach aptamer. We???re going to use the original spinach to replicate the results of Pothoulakis et al. as exactly as possible and try to move to the Broccoli aptamer (which is RFC10 compatible) as soon as possible. false Kalen Clifton, Christine Gao, Andrew Halleran, Ethan Jones, Likhitha Kolla, Joseph Maniaci, John Marken, John Mitchell, Callan Monette, Adam Reiss BBa_K2066019_sequence 1 gcactgaaggtcctcaatcgcactggaaacatcaaggtcg BBa_K2066050_sequence 1 gctgggagttcgtagacggaaacaaacgcagaatccaagcttgccatgtgtatgtgggagacggtcgggtccatctgagacggtcgggtccagatattcgtatctgtcgagtagagtgtgggctcagatgtcgagtagagtgtgggctcccacatactctgatgatccagacggtcgggtccatctgagacggtcgggtccagatattcgtatctgtcgagtagagtgtgggctcagatgtcgagtagagtgtgggctggatcattcatggcaagcactgaaggtcctcaatcgcactggaaacatcaaggtcg BBa_K2066520_sequence 1 ttgccatgtgtatgtgggagacggtcgggtccatctgagacggtcgggtccagatattcgtatctgtcgagtagagtgtgggctcagatgtcgagtagagtgtgggctcccacatactctgatgatccagacggtcgggtccatctgagacggtcgggtccagatattcgtatctgtcgagtagagtgtgggctcagatgtcgagtagagtgtgggctggatcattcatggcaa BBa_K2066018_sequence 1 gctgggagttcgtagacggaaacaaacgcagaatccaagc igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z