BBa_K081014BBa_K081014 Version 1 (Component)RFP protein generator - PoPS->RFP
BBa_K2123113BBa_K2123113 Version 1 (Component)Stationary phase promoter with downstream mer operator + RFP (K081014)
BBa_K2123111BBa_K2123111 Version 1 (Component)Tac promoter with downstream mer operator + RFP (K081014)
BBa_K2123115BBa_K2123115 Version 1 (Component)Universal promoter (Tac + JK26) for both growth phase with downstream mer operator + K081014
BBa_K2123112BBa_K2123112 Version 1 (Component)Tac promoter in tandem (3 repetition) with downstream mer operator + RFP (K081014)
BBa_K2123114BBa_K2123114 Version 1 (Component)Stationary phase promoter in tandem (3 repetition) with downstream mer operator + RFP (K081014)
BBa_K2123116BBa_K2123116 Version 1 (Component)Universal promoter for both phase of growth in tandem with downstram mer operator + RFP (K081014)
BBa_K2123110BBa_K2123110 Version 1 (Component)Improved Mer Operon Device with novel regulated exponential promoter
BBa_K2123300BBa_K2123300 Version 1 (Component)Strong promoter + OmpA (outer membrane protein)
BBa_K2123301BBa_K2123301 Version 1 (Component)Novel Synthetic Phytochelatin codon optimized for E. coli expression
BBa_K2123206BBa_K2123206 Version 1 (Component)Strong RBS + Organomercurial Lyase (MerB) for E. coli
BBa_K2123117BBa_K2123117 Version 1 (Component)Novel RFP device regulated by mercury: MerR (regulatory protein) + Stationary phase with mer operato