BBa_K2136016 1 BBa_K2136016 Codon optimized mCherry for Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 2016-10-12T11:00:00Z 2016-10-18T05:31:00Z mCherry is one of several "second-generation" monomeric fluorescent proteins developed in Roger Tsien's laboratory at UCSD (cf., Nature Biotechnology 22, 1567 - 1572 (2004). PMID 15558047 When working with molecular biology a frequently asked questions is: ???How well expressed is my protein being????. Then, after all the hard process of cultivation, separation and purification comes the answer: ???Not very good??? and then comes all the questions ???WHAT???S HAPPENING HERE?! Were cells cloned properly? Did I choose the wrong clone? Was the protein analysis appropriate? Or is it just universe conspiration???? Things are even worse when working with microalgae like Chlamydomonas reinhardtii because while E. coli takes 20 minutes to duplicate, C. reinhardtii takes 6...HOURS! Trying to help you solve all this questions, the USP/UNIFESP-Brazil team has developed a special device for everyone intending to work and understanding those little green beauties. This device is able to visually differ good and bad clones, give a qualitative idea of gene expression or promoter activity, characterize protein-protein interaction and signal transduction. As if it were not enough, the kinetics of the process can be monitored in real-time with aliquots of the cultivation medium or the biological material in study. false false _2606_ 31262 31234 9 false This sequence was codon optimized to match Chlamydomonas reinhardtii codons false Livia Seno Ferreira Camargo BBa_K2136016_sequence 1 atggtgtccaagggcgaggaggacaacatggccatcatcaaggagttcatgcgcttcaaggtgcacatggagggcagcgtgaacggccacgagttcgagatcgagggcgagggcgagggccgcccctacgagggcacccagaccgccaagctgaaggtgaccaagggcggccccctgcccttcgcctgggacatcctgagcccccagttcatgtacggcagcaaggcctacgtgaagcaccccgccgacatccccgactacctgaagctgagcttccccgagggcttcaagtgggagcgcgtgatgaacttcgaggacggcggcgtggtgaccgtgacccaggacagcagcctccaggacggcgagttcatctacaaggtgaagctgcgcggcaccaacttccccagcgacggccccgtgatgcagaagaagaccatgggctgggaggccagcagcgagcgcatgtaccccgaggacggcgccctgaagggcgagatcaagcagcgcctgaagctgaaggacggcggccactacgacgccgaggtgaagaccacctacaaggccaagaagcccgtgcagctgcccggcgcctacaacgtgaacatcaagctggacatcaccagccacaacgaggactacaccatcgtggagcagtacgagcgcgctgagggccgccacagcaccggcggcatggacgagctgtacaagtaa igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z