BBa_K2184032 1 BBa_K2184032 SNP for non-taster grapefruit juice bitterness+ gRNA 2016-09-26T11:00:00Z 2016-09-27T06:13:36Z Human genomic for non taster seet taste Engineered SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) in favor of this reaction. This SNP enables identification of a certain taste out of the five known senses of taste, Each of the SNP???s that were selected Refer to people that unables identification of a certain taste out of the five known senses of taste. Using SNP segments ??? the Taqman reaction makes it possible to identify the presence of a specific allele tested for a specific taste. Whenever a sample DNA is tested a presence of a specific allele is checked by one of the 15 SNP's we receive a fluorescence signal due to the release of the PROBE and vice versa. 67 DNA samples were tested using this method (samples were collected from 67 students and teachers from the school). Each sample was tested to check the presence of alleles to identify different tastes in accordance to the sequence of the SNP. ThIs molecule WAS specially designed so that it was able to identify SNPs in specific allele flavor respectively and mediate CRISPR editing of the non-taste alleles only. false false _2660_ 32581 32581 9 false Engineered mutant SNP for non taster grapefruit juice bitterness taste by swich T with C base. Engineered gRNA BY Crispr.MIT.Edu. false Margalit Mualem component2485088 1 BBa_K2184001 component2485090 1 BBa_K2184031 component2485089 1 BBa_K2184001 annotation2485088 1 BBa_K2184001 range2485088 1 1 20 annotation2485090 1 BBa_K2184031 range2485090 1 29 209 annotation2485089 1 BBa_K2184001 range2485089 1 29 48 BBa_K2184001 1 BBa_K2184001 Guid RNA for grapefroit flavor 2016-09-18T11:00:00Z 2016-09-27T05:58:52Z GTCATCTGCCACAAAACTGA- A syntethic guid RNA 1. The basic assumption of the project is based on the fact that there is a direct link between particular taste affection and the number of receptors for that taste. For this reason, the ability to control the polymorphism of taste receptors may be useful in many ways to human society 2. Guide RNA is a hundred base-long molecule with a unique two dimensional structure which binds Cas9 and guides it to a dsDNA sequence complementary to 21-22 base pairs on the 5' end of the molecule. 3. This molecule was specially designed to be able to identify SNPs in grapefroit flavor and mediate CRISPR editing of the non-taste allele only. false false _2660_ 32581 32581 9 false This molecule was specially designed to be able to identify SNPs in grapefroit flavor and mediate CRISPR editing of the non-taste allele only. 3. TAS2R19 rs10772420-SNPs in grapefroit flavor with guid RNA TAAAATGTTCCAGACACCATCAGTTTGTTTTCTGCTAGAAGACCCACGATGCTCCCCTTGTGAATCTATGGAGTTGAGGGTTTCTCTTCTTTCACTCAGC[T/C]TGTCATCTGCCACAAAACTGAAAGAAAGGTCTGTTTTAGCTTCCTACTTCCCATAATCAGGATGAATGAGTGGAATGAAGGATACATGATTGCAACAGTT false Margalit Mualem BBa_K2184031 1 BBa_K2184031 mutant SNP for non taster grapefruit juice bitterness flavor 2016-09-26T11:00:00Z 2016-09-27T05:54:48Z Human genomic for non taster SNP The basic assumption of the project is based on the fact that there is a direct link between particular taste affection and the number of receptors for that taste. For this reason, the ability to control the polymorphism of taste receptors may be useful in many ways to human society, for example, specific desirable diet aid by reducing the ability to feel a specific unhealthy taste, reducing alcohol consumption by changing sensitivity to alcohol, reducing the risk of high blood pressure by eliminating the need for salt taste, changing the sensitivity for bitterness to allow swallowing a pill for the purpose of providing medical care and more. This molecule was specially designed so that it will able to identify SNPs in one specific flavor-grapefruit juice bitterness. flavors respectively and mediate CRISPR editing of the non-taste alleles only. false false _2660_ 32581 32581 9 false Engineered mutant SNP for non taster grapefruit juice bitterness taste by swich T with C base false Margalit Mualem annotation2485083 1 BBa_K2184001 range2485083 1 1 20 BBa_K2184032_sequence 1 gtcatctgccacaaaactgatactagagtaaaatgttccagacaccatcagtttgttttctgctagaagacccacgatgctccccttgtgaatctatggagttgagggtttctcttctttcactcagcctaagaaaggtctgttttagcttcctacttcccataatcaggatgaatgagtggaatgaaggatacatgattgcaacagtt BBa_K2184031_sequence 1 taaaatgttccagacaccatcagtttgttttctgctagaagacccacgatgctccccttgtgaatctatggagttgagggtttctcttctttcactcagcctaagaaaggtctgttttagcttcctacttcccataatcaggatgaatgagtggaatgaaggatacatgattgcaacagtt BBa_K2184001_sequence 1 gtcatctgccacaaaactga igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z