BBa_K337009 1 BBa_K337009 hsa-miR-122 Binding site pattern (2BS) with randomised nt9-12 2010-10-20T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:12:06Z 4.5 false false _461_ 0 7259 9 It's complicated false The spacer sequences, present between the miRNA binding sites, should have the lowest compatibility to known miRNAs, to minimize unspecific sequence recognition. false Adlung L,Al Sabah J,Bayer P,Berrens R,Cristiano E,Flocke L,Kleinsorg S,Kolodziejczyk A,Macias Torre A,Mathur A,Mayilo D,Neumann S,Niopek D,Pisa R,Schad J,Schuhmacher L,Uhlig T,Wu X,Grimm D,Eils R annotation2091251 1 Spacer 1st half range2091251 1 63 77 annotation2091250 1 addtional 10bp spacer range2091250 1 53 62 annotation2091252 1 Spacer 1st half range2091252 1 1 15 annotation2091249 1 Spacer 2nd half range2091249 1 38 52 annotation2091248 1 Spacer 2nd half range2091248 1 100 114 BBa_K337009_sequence 1 cactgaatccaactgcaaacaccatttcaacactccagcatacatggactgcgagaaatagccactgaatccaactgcaaacaccattgtcacactccagcatacatggactgc igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z