BBa_K371011 1 BBa_K371011 pduK 2010-10-08T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:12:16Z Citrobactor freudii strain was bought from NITE Biological Resource Center (NBRC). NBRC NO. is 12681. History:IFO 12681 <- Ajinomoto Co., Inc. (AJ 2619) <- ATCC 8090 <- C.H. Werkm This part encodes pdu J proterin, which is a shell protein of Citrobactor freundii bacterial microcompartment(BMC) . false false _498_ 0 3984 9 It's complicated true In order to isolate pduA from the Citrobactor freundii genome, following primers has been designed to make it a standard Biobrick. false Yang Zhang annotation2247310 1 pduK coding sequence range2247310 1 1 468 BBa_K371011_sequence 1 atgaagcaatcactgggattacttgaagttagtggtctggcattagccatcagttgcgcggacgtcatggcgaaagccgcctccatcacgctggtgggcctcgaaaaaaccaacggctcaggctggacggtgatcaagataatcggggatgtggcctccgtccaggcggccatttccactggtgtcagtttcgctgaccagcgagatggactggtggctcacaaagtcatttccagacccggggacgggatcctgtcgcatagcgttgtcctggagcctgaaccaacgcccgaccccataccagccataccacatgaagaaatccctgaggaccatgcggcacccgaagcaccgcaagatgcagaattgattagctgcaatttgtgtcttgatcctgcctgccctcgccaaaaaggtgagccgcgcacactttgtcttcactcaggcaaacgaggtgaagcgggttga igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z