BBa_K779316 1 BBa_K779316 3' Hammerhead with loss-of-function mutation MammoBlock 2012-09-28T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:13:18Z Sequence from Figure 1 of "Hammerhead ribozyme design and application", M. Amarzguioui and H. Prydz 1998. To be completed by MIT iGEM 2012. false true _1033_ 0 13050 9 Not in stock false To be completed by MIT iGEM 2012. false Felix Sun annotation2204193 1 Non-folding sequence range2204193 1 16 84 annotation2204191 1 BsaI recognition range2204191 1 4 9 annotation2204203 1 Loss-of-function mutation range2204203 1 132 134 annotation2204192 1 Q1 site (Golden Gate) range2204192 1 11 14 annotation2204208 1 BsaI recognition range2204208 1 178 183 annotation2204194 1 Hammerhead range2204194 1 85 138 annotation2204207 1 QX site (Golden Gate) range2204207 1 173 176 annotation2204204 1 Non-folding sequence range2204204 1 139 171 BBa_K779316_sequence 1 aaaggtctcaaggtaaatccccacaatcaaatcccaccacactcccaaccccaaatccatacccactcacccctcctccttaaatgcaaagccgggatggcccggtagaagtcactcgcccatagtgcgagagagcagaataaaatcacaacacactccaacaccaccaacagctttgagaccttt igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 James Alastair McLaughlin Chris J. Myers 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z