BBa_M10086 1 BBa_M10086 {&#706;CPG_L2!} 2009-04-30T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:13:51Z E. coli MG1655 genomic DNA Circularly permutated OmpG with a backbone opening in loop 2 of the native protein. Circular permutation re-orders the protein so that both termini are exposed to the extra-cellular environment. <br> CPG_L2 is an outer membrane carrier protein that can be used to display other proteins on the outer membrane. "Display proteins" can be fused to the N-termini of {<CPG_L2!} and should be functionally displayed on the outer membrane of E.coli. false false _271_ 0 4745 271 Not in stock true Needed to design appropriate linkers (to fuse the N and C termini of the native protien). Used 6aa linker (CDS: GGATCTAAGTCTCGTCGC) from PMID: 18480093. <br> The opening was created in loop 2 (aa 59-60) because the residues of the mature protein are presumably disordered because they are not visible in electron density maps. <br> false Jennifer Brophy annotation2002600 1 Native C termini range2002600 1 1 663 annotation2002598 1 Linker range2002598 1 664 681 annotation2002599 1 Native N termini range2002599 1 682 861 BBa_M10086_sequence 1 ggtaaacgtggaacgtggtttgatcgcccggagctggaggtgcattatcagttcctcgaaaacgatgatttcagtttcggcctgaccggcggtttccgtaattatggttatcactacgttgatgaaccgggtaaagacacggcgaatatgcagcgctggaaaatcgcgccagactgggatgtgaaactgactgacgatttacgtttcaacggttggttgtcgatgtataaatttgccaacgatctgaacactaccggttacgctgatacccgtgtcgaaacggaaacaggtctgcaatataccttcaacgaaacggttgccttgcgagtgaactattatcttgagcgcggcttcaatatggacgacagccgcaataacggtgagttttccacgcaagaaattcgcgtctatttgccgctgacgctcggcaaccactcggtgacgccgtatacgcgcattgggctggatcgctggagtaactgggactggcaggatgatattgaacgtgaaggccatgattttaaccgtgtaggtttattttacggttatgatttccagaacggactttccgtttcgctggaatacgcgtttgagtggcaggatcacgacgaaggcgacagtgataaattccattatgcaggtgtcggcgtaaattactcgttaggatctaagtctcgtcgcgaggaaaggaacgactggcactttaatatcggcgcgatgtacgaaatagaaaacgtcgagggttatggcgaagatatggatgggctggcggagccttcagtctattttaatgccgccaacgggccgtggagaattgctctggcctattatcgggaagggccggtagattatagcgcgtaa igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z