BBa_M13505 1 BBa_M13505 M13KO7 gene V RBS 2006-12-14T12:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:13:56Z New England Biolabs M13K07. Sequenced in 2002 by L. Panganaban This RBS is part of the bacteriophage M13 genome, initiating translation of the gene V message (BBa_M13005). The part aligns with base pairs 827-842 in M13K07 genome. It was identified as the RBS for the gene V message by Wezenbeek et al in Gene (1980) 11: 129-148 false false _45_ 0 314 1 Not in stock false none false Natalie Kuldell BBa_B0012 1 BBa_B0012 TE from coliphageT7 2003-01-31T12:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:07:20Z Derived from the TE terminator of T7 bacteriophage between Genes 1.3 and 1.4 <genbank>V01146</genbank>. Released HQ 2013 Transcription terminator for the <i>E.coli</i> RNA polymerase. false false _1_ 0 24 7 In stock false <P> <P>Suggested by Sri Kosuri and Drew Endy as a high efficiency terminator. The 5' end cutoff was placed immediately after the TAA stop codon and the 3' end cutoff was placed just prior to the RBS of Gene 1.4 (before AAGGAG).<P> Use anywhere transcription should be stopped when the gene of interest is upstream of this terminator. false Reshma Shetty annotation1687 1 stop range1687 1 34 34 annotation1690 1 polya range1690 1 28 41 annotation1686 1 T7 TE range1686 1 8 27 annotation7020 1 BBa_B0012 range7020 1 1 41 BBa_M13110 1 BBa_M13110 M13110 2006-12-15T12:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:13:55Z New England Biolabs M13K07. Sequenced in 2002 by L. Panganaban. This part is from the bacteriophage M13 genome, bp 381-428 in M13K07. It directs transcription of M13 gene X (BBa_M13510, BBa_M13010). Its identity as a promoter was described in Gene (1980) 11:129-148 based on -10,-35 homology and fragment of genome able to bind RNAP. false false _45_ 0 314 1 Not in stock false none false Natalie Kuldell BBa_M13502 1 BBa_M13502 M13KO7 gene II RBS 2006-12-14T12:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:13:56Z New England Biolabs M13K07. Sequenced in 2002 by L. Panganaban This RBS is part of the bacteriophage M13 genome, initiating translation of the gene II message (BBa_M13002). The part aligns with base pairs 8252-8267 in M13K07 genome. It was identified as the RBS for gene II message by Wezenbeek et al in Gene (1980) 11: 129-148 false false _45_ 0 314 1 Not in stock false none false Natalie Kuldell BBa_M13510 1 BBa_M13510 M13KO7 gene X RBS 2006-12-14T12:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:13:56Z New England Biolabs M13K07. Sequenced in 2002 by L. Panganaban This RBS is part of the bacteriophage M13 genome, initiating translation of the gene X message (BBa_M13010). The part aligns with base pairs 480-495 in M13K07 genome. It was identified as the RBS for gene II message by Wezenbeek et al in Gene (1980) 11: 129-148 false false _45_ 0 314 1 Not in stock false none false Natalie Kuldell BBa_M13010 1 BBa_M13010 M13K07 gene X 2006-12-05T12:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:13:55Z New England Biolabs M13K07. Sequenced in 2002 by L. Panganaban. This gene is part of the bacteriophage M13 genome. It encodes a protein that is important for phage maturation. The protein remains in the host cytoplasm to interact with the product of gI and the OM pore (product of gIV) through which the phage ssDNA is threaded as the phage matures. GeneX protein is identical to the C-terminal portion of the gIprotein since gXprotien is normally encoded through an internal initiation of translation from the gI transcript. false true _45_ 0 314 1 Not in stock false need to unstuff from inside gI false Natalie Kuldell BBa_M13102 1 BBa_M13102 M13K07 gene II promoter 2006-12-15T12:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:13:55Z New England Biolabs M13K07. Sequenced in 2002 by L. Panganaban. This part is from the bacteriophage M13 genome. It directs transcription of M13 gene II (BBa_M13502, BBa_M13002). Promoter identified in Gene (1980) 11:129-148 based on -10,-35 homology and fragment of genome able to bind RNAP. false true _45_ 0 314 1 Not in stock false none false Natalie Kuldell BBa_M31538 1 BBa_M31538 This is the trio of genes in M13K07 responsible for Genome Amplification 2007-02-28T12:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:14:00Z Though the genes exist in nature in M13K07, they do not yet exist in this separate form. This is the trio of genes in M13K07 responsible for Genome Amplification. In an effort to achieve more comprehensive abstractions, genes can be grouped into families depending upon their function. false false _102_ 0 1380 102 Not in stock false This abstraction is useful for analysis of complex functions, but there are still interactions at the base pair level that need to be resolved before it can be implemented. false Matt Gethers component2235182 1 BBa_M31533 component2235178 1 BBa_B0015 component2235160 1 BBa_M31531 component2235171 1 BBa_M31532 component2235189 1 BBa_B0015 component2235167 1 BBa_B0015 annotation2235182 1 BBa_M31533 range2235182 1 1956 2285 annotation2235167 1 BBa_B0015 range2235167 1 1298 1426 annotation2235171 1 BBa_M31532 range2235171 1 1427 1826 annotation2235178 1 BBa_B0015 range2235178 1 1827 1955 annotation2235189 1 BBa_B0015 range2235189 1 2286 2414 annotation2235160 1 BBa_M31531 range2235160 1 1 1297 BBa_M31531 1 BBa_M31531 This is gene II of M13K07 (Promoter, RBS, and ORF) 2007-02-28T12:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:14:00Z Though the gene and its regulatory sequences exist in nature in M13K07, they do not yet exist in this separate form. When designing a phage, it is much more practical and effective to think of DNA in functional units than strings of regulartory and coding regions. This part combines the transcriptional and translational regions with the ORF to form a functional (where function is defined as the output of the gene). false false _102_ 0 1380 102 Not in stock false When removed from it's place in the genome that has been determined by evolution, we can't be sure the change will be tolerated. There may be cross-talk between copied and separated elements with significant homology. Because we have removed and maintained entire portions of genes in the formation of separate genomic entities, there is also the possibility of expression of these 'partial' genes. I will address this by placing transciptional terminators and hair pins bewteen genes. false Matt Gethers component1917862 1 BBa_M13002 component1917861 1 BBa_M13502 component1917860 1 BBa_M13102 annotation1917861 1 BBa_M13502 range1917861 1 49 64 annotation1917860 1 BBa_M13102 range1917860 1 1 48 annotation1917862 1 BBa_M13002 range1917862 1 65 1297 BBa_M13002 1 BBa_M13002 M13K07 gene II 2006-12-13T12:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:13:55Z New England Biolabs M13K07. Sequenced in 2002 by L. Panganaban. This gene is part of the bacteriophage M13 genome. It encodes a protein that is important for phage DNA replication, initiating ssDNA synthesis of the (+) strand by nicking the RF near the M13 replication origin. p10 is encoded within gII thanks to a translation re-initiation event. false false _45_ 0 314 1 Not in stock false need to unstuff gX from within coding sequence. RBS for downstream gV overlaps the gII stop codon. false Natalie Kuldell BBa_M13105 1 BBa_M13105 M13K07 gene V promoter 2006-12-15T12:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:13:55Z New England Biolabs M13K07. Sequenced in 2002 by L. Panganaban. This part is from the bacteriophage M13 genome, bp 786-835 in M13K07. It directs transcription of M13 gene V (BBa_M13505, BBa_M13005). Its identity as a promoter was described in Gene (1980) 11:129-148 based on -10,-35 homology and fragment of genome able to bind RNAP. false false _45_ 0 314 1 Not in stock false none false Natalie Kuldell BBa_B0010 1 BBa_B0010 T1 from E. coli rrnB 2003-11-19T12:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:07:20Z Transcriptional terminator consisting of a 64 bp stem-loop. false false _1_ 0 24 7 In stock false true Randy Rettberg annotation7018 1 BBa_B0010 range7018 1 1 80 annotation4184 1 stem_loop range4184 1 12 55 BBa_M13005 1 BBa_M13005 M13K07 gene V 2006-12-11T12:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:13:55Z New England Biolabs M13K07. Sequenced in 2002 by L. Panganaban. This gene is part of the bacteriophage M13 genome. It encodes a single stranded DNA binding protein that is important for phage maturation. false false _45_ 0 314 1 Not in stock false RBS for gene V overlaps stop codon for upstream phage genes II and X. false Natalie Kuldell BBa_B0015 1 BBa_B0015 double terminator (B0010-B0012) 2003-07-16T11:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:07:20Z Released HQ 2013 Double terminator consisting of BBa_B0010 and BBa_B0012 false true _1_ 0 24 7 In stock false true Reshma Shetty component1916612 1 BBa_B0012 component1916610 1 BBa_B0010 annotation1916612 1 BBa_B0012 range1916612 1 89 129 annotation1916610 1 BBa_B0010 range1916610 1 1 80 BBa_M31532 1 BBa_M31532 This is gene X of M13K07 (Promoter, RBS, and ORF) 2007-02-28T12:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:14:00Z Though the gene and its regulatory sequences exist in nature in M13K07, they do not yet exist in this separate form. When designing a phage, it is much more practical and effective to think of DNA in functional units than strings of regulatory and coding regions. This part combines the transcriptional and translational regions with the ORF to form a functional (where function is defined as the output of the gene). false false _102_ 0 1380 102 Not in stock false When removed from its place in the genome that has been determined by evolution, we can't be sure the change will be tolerated. There may be cross-talk between copied and separated elements with significant homology. Because we have removed and maintained entire portions of genes in the formation of separate genomic entities, there is also the possibility of expression of these 'partial' genes. I will address this by placing transcriptional terminators and hair pins between genes. false Matt Gethers component1917904 1 BBa_M13010 component1917903 1 BBa_M13510 component1917902 1 BBa_M13110 annotation1917904 1 BBa_M13010 range1917904 1 65 400 annotation1917903 1 BBa_M13510 range1917903 1 49 64 annotation1917902 1 BBa_M13110 range1917902 1 1 48 BBa_M31533 1 BBa_M31533 This is gene V of M13K07 (Promoter, RBS, and ORF) 2007-02-28T12:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:14:00Z Though the gene and its regulatory sequences exist in nature in M13K07, they do not yet exist in this separate form. When designing a phage, it is much more practical and effective to think of DNA in functional units than strings of regulatory and coding regions. This part combines the transcriptional and translational regions with the ORF to form a functional (where function is defined as the output of the gene). false false _102_ 0 1380 102 Not in stock false When removed from its place in the genome that has been determined by evolution, we can't be sure the change will be tolerated. There may be cross-talk between copied and separated elements with significant homology. Because we have removed and maintained entire portions of genes in the formation of separate genomic entities, there is also the possibility of expression of these 'partial' genes. I will address this by placing transcriptional terminators and hair pins between genes. false Matt Gethers component1917914 1 BBa_M13005 component1917913 1 BBa_M13505 component1917912 1 BBa_M13105 annotation1917913 1 BBa_M13505 range1917913 1 51 66 annotation1917912 1 BBa_M13105 range1917912 1 1 50 annotation1917914 1 BBa_M13005 range1917914 1 67 330 BBa_M31532_sequence 1 tctttttgatgcaatccgctttgcttctgactataatagtcagggtaaatttgagggggattcaatgaatatttatgacgattccgcagtattggacgctatccagtctaaacattttactattaccccctctggcaaaacttcttttgcaaaagcctctcgctattttggtttttatcgtcgtctggtaaacgagggttatgatagtgttgctcttactatgcctcgtaattccttttggcgttatgtatctgcattagttgaatgtggtattcctaaatctcaactgatgaatctttctacctgtaataatgttgttccgttagttcgttttattaacgtagatttttcttcccaacgtcctgactggtataatgagccagttcttaaaatcgcataa BBa_M13502_sequence 1 atcaaccggggtacat BBa_M31538_sequence 1 tattaacgtttacaatttaaatatttgcttatacaatcttcctgttttatcaaccggggtacatatgattgacatgctagttttacgattaccgttcatcgattctcttgtttgctccagactctcaggcaatgacctgatagcctttgtagacctctcaaaaatagctaccctctccggcatgaatttatcagctagaacggttgaatatcatattgatggtgatttgactgtctccggcctttctcacccttttgaatctttacctacacattactcaggcattgcatttaaaatatatgagggttctaaaaatttttatccttgcgttgaaataaaggcttctcccgcaaaagtattacagggtcataatgtttttggtacaaccgatttagctttatgctctgaggctttattgcttaattttgctaattctttgccttgcctgtatgatttattggatgttaacgctactactattagtagaattgatgccaccttttcagctcgcgccccaaatgaaaatatagctaaacaggttattgaccatttgcgaaatgtatctaatggtcaaactaaatctactcgttcgcagaattgggaatcaactgttacatggaatgaaacttccagacaccgtactttagttgcatatttaaaacatgttgagctacagcaccagattcagcaattaagctctaagccatccgcaaaaatgacctcttatcaaaaggagcaattaaaggtactctctaatcctgacctgttggagtttgcttccggtctggttcgctttgaagctcgaattaaaacgcgatatttgaagtctttcgggcttcctcttaatctttttgatgcaatccgctttgcttctgactataatagtcagggtaaagacctgatttttgatttatggtcattctcgttttctgaactgtttaaagcatttgagggggattcaatgaatatttatgacgattccgcagtattggacgctatccagtctaaacattttactattaccccctctggcaaaacttcttttgcaaaagcctctcgctattttggtttttatcgtcgtctggtaaacgagggttatgatagtgttgctcttactatgcctcgtaattccttttggcgttatgtatctgcattagttgaatgtggtattcctaaatctcaactgatgaatctttctacctgtaataatgttgttccgttagttcgttttattaacgtagatttttcttcccaacgtcctgactggtataatgagccagttcttaaaatcgcataaccaggcatcaaataaaacgaaaggctcagtcgaaagactgggcctttcgttttatctgttgtttgtcggtgaacgctctctactagagtcacactggctcaccttcgggtgggcctttctgcgtttatatctttttgatgcaatccgctttgcttctgactataatagtcagggtaaatttgagggggattcaatgaatatttatgacgattccgcagtattggacgctatccagtctaaacattttactattaccccctctggcaaaacttcttttgcaaaagcctctcgctattttggtttttatcgtcgtctggtaaacgagggttatgatagtgttgctcttactatgcctcgtaattccttttggcgttatgtatctgcattagttgaatgtggtattcctaaatctcaactgatgaatctttctacctgtaataatgttgttccgttagttcgttttattaacgtagatttttcttcccaacgtcctgactggtataatgagccagttcttaaaatcgcataaccaggcatcaaataaaacgaaaggctcagtcgaaagactgggcctttcgttttatctgttgtttgtcggtgaacgctctctactagagtcacactggctcaccttcgggtgggcctttctgcgtttataccaacgtcctgactggtataatgagccagttcttaaaatcgcataaggtacataaggtaattcacaatgattaaagttgaaattaaaccatctcaagcccaatttactactcgttctggtgtttctcgtcagggcaagccttattcactgaatgagcagctttgttacgttgatttgggtaatgaatatccggttcttgtcaagattactcttgatgaaggtcagccagcctatgcgcctggtctgtacaccgttcatctgtcctctttcaaagttggtcagttcggttcccttatgattgaccgtctgcgcctcgttccggctaagtaaccaggcatcaaataaaacgaaaggctcagtcgaaagactgggcctttcgttttatctgttgtttgtcggtgaacgctctctactagagtcacactggctcaccttcgggtgggcctttctgcgtttata BBa_M31533_sequence 1 ccaacgtcctgactggtataatgagccagttcttaaaatcgcataaggtacataaggtaattcacaatgattaaagttgaaattaaaccatctcaagcccaatttactactcgttctggtgtttctcgtcagggcaagccttattcactgaatgagcagctttgttacgttgatttgggtaatgaatatccggttcttgtcaagattactcttgatgaaggtcagccagcctatgcgcctggtctgtacaccgttcatctgtcctctttcaaagttggtcagttcggttcccttatgattgaccgtctgcgcctcgttccggctaagtaa BBa_M13105_sequence 1 ccaacgtcctgactggtataatgagccagttcttaaaatcgcataaggta BBa_M31531_sequence 1 tattaacgtttacaatttaaatatttgcttatacaatcttcctgttttatcaaccggggtacatatgattgacatgctagttttacgattaccgttcatcgattctcttgtttgctccagactctcaggcaatgacctgatagcctttgtagacctctcaaaaatagctaccctctccggcatgaatttatcagctagaacggttgaatatcatattgatggtgatttgactgtctccggcctttctcacccttttgaatctttacctacacattactcaggcattgcatttaaaatatatgagggttctaaaaatttttatccttgcgttgaaataaaggcttctcccgcaaaagtattacagggtcataatgtttttggtacaaccgatttagctttatgctctgaggctttattgcttaattttgctaattctttgccttgcctgtatgatttattggatgttaacgctactactattagtagaattgatgccaccttttcagctcgcgccccaaatgaaaatatagctaaacaggttattgaccatttgcgaaatgtatctaatggtcaaactaaatctactcgttcgcagaattgggaatcaactgttacatggaatgaaacttccagacaccgtactttagttgcatatttaaaacatgttgagctacagcaccagattcagcaattaagctctaagccatccgcaaaaatgacctcttatcaaaaggagcaattaaaggtactctctaatcctgacctgttggagtttgcttccggtctggttcgctttgaagctcgaattaaaacgcgatatttgaagtctttcgggcttcctcttaatctttttgatgcaatccgctttgcttctgactataatagtcagggtaaagacctgatttttgatttatggtcattctcgttttctgaactgtttaaagcatttgagggggattcaatgaatatttatgacgattccgcagtattggacgctatccagtctaaacattttactattaccccctctggcaaaacttcttttgcaaaagcctctcgctattttggtttttatcgtcgtctggtaaacgagggttatgatagtgttgctcttactatgcctcgtaattccttttggcgttatgtatctgcattagttgaatgtggtattcctaaatctcaactgatgaatctttctacctgtaataatgttgttccgttagttcgttttattaacgtagatttttcttcccaacgtcctgactggtataatgagccagttcttaaaatcgcataa BBa_M13002_sequence 1 atgattgacatgctagttttacgattaccgttcatcgattctcttgtttgctccagactctcaggcaatgacctgatagcctttgtagacctctcaaaaatagctaccctctccggcatgaatttatcagctagaacggttgaatatcatattgatggtgatttgactgtctccggcctttctcacccttttgaatctttacctacacattactcaggcattgcatttaaaatatatgagggttctaaaaatttttatccttgcgttgaaataaaggcttctcccgcaaaagtattacagggtcataatgtttttggtacaaccgatttagctttatgctctgaggctttattgcttaattttgctaattctttgccttgcctgtatgatttattggatgttaacgctactactattagtagaattgatgccaccttttcagctcgcgccccaaatgaaaatatagctaaacaggttattgaccatttgcgaaatgtatctaatggtcaaactaaatctactcgttcgcagaattgggaatcaactgttacatggaatgaaacttccagacaccgtactttagttgcatatttaaaacatgttgagctacagcaccagattcagcaattaagctctaagccatccgcaaaaatgacctcttatcaaaaggagcaattaaaggtactctctaatcctgacctgttggagtttgcttccggtctggttcgctttgaagctcgaattaaaacgcgatatttgaagtctttcgggcttcctcttaatctttttgatgcaatccgctttgcttctgactataatagtcagggtaaagacctgatttttgatttatggtcattctcgttttctgaactgtttaaagcatttgagggggattcaatgaatatttatgacgattccgcagtattggacgctatccagtctaaacattttactattaccccctctggcaaaacttcttttgcaaaagcctctcgctattttggtttttatcgtcgtctggtaaacgagggttatgatagtgttgctcttactatgcctcgtaattccttttggcgttatgtatctgcattagttgaatgtggtattcctaaatctcaactgatgaatctttctacctgtaataatgttgttccgttagttcgttttattaacgtagatttttcttcccaacgtcctgactggtataatgagccagttcttaaaatcgcataa BBa_M13510_sequence 1 atttgagggggattca BBa_B0010_sequence 1 ccaggcatcaaataaaacgaaaggctcagtcgaaagactgggcctttcgttttatctgttgtttgtcggtgaacgctctc BBa_M13005_sequence 1 atgattaaagttgaaattaaaccatctcaagcccaatttactactcgttctggtgtttctcgtcagggcaagccttattcactgaatgagcagctttgttacgttgatttgggtaatgaatatccggttcttgtcaagattactcttgatgaaggtcagccagcctatgcgcctggtctgtacaccgttcatctgtcctctttcaaagttggtcagttcggttcccttatgattgaccgtctgcgcctcgttccggctaagtaa BBa_M13505_sequence 1 cataaggtaattcaca BBa_M13110_sequence 1 tctttttgatgcaatccgctttgcttctgactataatagtcagggtaa BBa_B0012_sequence 1 tcacactggctcaccttcgggtgggcctttctgcgtttata BBa_M13102_sequence 1 tattaacgtttacaatttaaatatttgcttatacaatcttcctgtttt BBa_M13010_sequence 1 atgaatatttatgacgattccgcagtattggacgctatccagtctaaacattttactattaccccctctggcaaaacttcttttgcaaaagcctctcgctattttggtttttatcgtcgtctggtaaacgagggttatgatagtgttgctcttactatgcctcgtaattccttttggcgttatgtatctgcattagttgaatgtggtattcctaaatctcaactgatgaatctttctacctgtaataatgttgttccgttagttcgttttattaacgtagatttttcttcccaacgtcctgactggtataatgagccagttcttaaaatcgcataa BBa_B0015_sequence 1 ccaggcatcaaataaaacgaaaggctcagtcgaaagactgggcctttcgttttatctgttgtttgtcggtgaacgctctctactagagtcacactggctcaccttcgggtgggcctttctgcgtttata igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 James Alastair McLaughlin Chris J. Myers 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z