BBa_M36028 1 BBa_M36028 phiX174 gene D - mutated rbs and start codon of E, and rbs of J 2011-05-02T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:14:02Z wt phiX174, then mutated by Jon Rodriguez and Adrian Sierra Took the wt gene K from coliphage phiX174, and then mutated it synonymously in order to destroy the RBS and start codon of the overlapping gene E, and the overlapping RBS of gene J. false false _848_ 0 9553 9 Not in stock false Made only synonymous changes, and tried to keep the codon usage bias as similar as possible to wt, according to this table false Jon Rodriguez annotation2119081 1 CDS range2119081 1 1 459 annotation2119100 1 a->t range2119100 1 450 450 annotation2119079 1 start codon range2119079 1 1 3 annotation2119096 1 a->g range2119096 1 447 447 annotation2119080 1 stop codon range2119080 1 457 459 annotation2119090 1 t->c range2119090 1 180 180 annotation2119093 1 g->a range2119093 1 168 168 BBa_M36028_sequence 1 atgagtcaagttactgaacaatccgtacgtttccagaccgctttggcctctattaagctcattcaggcttctgccgttttggatttaaccgaagatgatttcgattttctgacgagtaacaaagtttggattgctactgaccgctctcgtgctcgtcgctgcgttgaagcttgcgtttacggtacgctggactttgtgggataccctcgctttcctgctcctgttgagtttattgctgccgtcattgcttattatgttcatcccgtcaacattcaaacggcctgtctcatcatggaaggcgctgaatttacggaaaacattattaatggcgtcgagcgtccggttaaagccgctgaattgttcgcgtttaccttgcgtgtacgcgcaggaaacactgacgttcttactgacgcagaagaaaacgtgcgtcaaaaattacgtgcggagggtgtgatgtaa igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 James Alastair McLaughlin Chris J. Myers 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z