BBa_M36161 1 BBa_M36161 T7 17.5 Plasmid 2012-06-03T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:14:03Z Link for T7 genome: This plasmid contains a bicistronic translation junction, the T7 17.5 holin coding sequence, and a medium strength transcription terminator (Part BBa_M36292). Our bicistronic translation junction is engineered by the BIOFAB team at (Part BBa_J119024), and is utilized in order to promote more efficient translation of our coding sequence. The T7 17.5 coding sequence is taken from published genome of T7 (see below for link), available online. Finally, our transcription terminator is taken from the Registry of Standard Biological Parts and has ???99% efficiency???. false false _848_ 0 13731 9 Not in stock false Due to the possible toxic nature of our gene (as it is proposed to cause cell lysis), a low copy number origin of replication was used in order to somewhat control against over expression of our gene. false Matt Kandath and Eric Kofman component2176145 1 BBa_M36160 component2176146 1 BBa_M36292 component2176144 1 BBa_J119024 annotation2176146 1 BBa_M36292 range2176146 1 306 387 annotation2176145 1 BBa_M36160 range2176145 1 97 297 annotation2176144 1 BBa_J119024 range2176144 1 1 88 BBa_M36292 1 BBa_M36292 Transcription Terminator (99% efficient) 2011-12-06T12:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:14:04Z The part comes from the E. Coli chassis. This is a terminator sequence to stop transcription. Put it at the very end of your sequence. false false _848_ 0 11078 9 Not in stock false The sequence is originally from BIOFAB. false Dominique Dabija, Christopher Jackson, Debha Amatya BBa_M36160 1 BBa_M36160 T7 17.5 protein (holin) 2012-06-03T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:14:03Z Coding sequence for 17.5 protein in T7 phage. The 17.5 protein functions as a holin: in gram-negative bacteria, the holin degrades the inner peptidoglycan cell wall. For complete lysis to occur, an endolysin protein is also required (in T7 phage, this is the 3.5 protein). This sequence should be preceded by a promoter. false false _848_ 0 13546 9 Not in stock false Note: this sequence begins with a GTG start codon when expressed naturally; in our design, we opted to change the start codon to ATG to optimize for E. coli false Eric Kofman, Matt Kandath BBa_J119024 1 BBa_J119024 BD18 bicistronic translational junction - Medium effiency 2011-12-21T12:00:00Z 2015-10-01T11:42:24Z Synthetic DNA. The BD18 bicistronic translational junction was engineered by Vivek Mutalik and The BIOFAB Team at It includes an RBS that allows translation of a leader polypeptide. The leader has a second RBS embedded in it. The stop codon for the leader polypeptide overlaps with the start codon for the gene of interest. false false _613_ 606 606 61 Not in stock false The BD18 bicistronic translational junction was designed to give reproducible and consistent expression for various genes of interest. false Vivek Mutalik annotation2167444 1 GOI RBS range2167444 1 71 79 annotation2167443 1 Start range2167443 1 86 88 annotation2167441 1 Start range2167441 1 33 35 annotation2167442 1 Stop range2167442 1 84 86 annotation2167440 1 leader RBS range2167440 1 19 27 BBa_M36160_sequence 1 ctatcattagactttaacaacgaattgattaaggctgctccaattgttgggacgggtgtagcagatgttagtgctcgactgttctttgggttaagccttaacgaatggttctacgttgctgctatcgcctacacagtggttcagattggtgccaaggtagtcgataagatgattgactggaagaaagccaataaggagtga BBa_J119024_sequence 1 gggcccaagttcacttaaaaaggagatcaacaatgaaagcaattttcgtactgaaacatcttaatcatgcgacggagcgtttctaatg BBa_M36161_sequence 1 gggcccaagttcacttaaaaaggagatcaacaatgaaagcaattttcgtactgaaacatcttaatcatgcgacggagcgtttctaatgtactagagctatcattagactttaacaacgaattgattaaggctgctccaattgttgggacgggtgtagcagatgttagtgctcgactgttctttgggttaagccttaacgaatggttctacgttgctgctatcgcctacacagtggttcagattggtgccaaggtagtcgataagatgattgactggaagaaagccaataaggagtgatactagagtcggtcagtttcacctgatttacgtaaaaacccgcttcggcgggtttttgcttttggaggggcagaaagatgaatgactgtc BBa_M36292_sequence 1 tcggtcagtttcacctgatttacgtaaaaacccgcttcggcgggtttttgcttttggaggggcagaaagatgaatgactgtc igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z