BBa_M36561 1 BBa_M36561 This terminator is a general terminator of transcription. It forms a stem loop which stops transcrip 2014-10-23T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:14:05Z The source of this part is from the parts registry. It is known as BBa_B0010. This terminator is a general E. coli terminator that forms a 64 base pair stem loop. The structure of the stem loop arrests transcription of a gene. This basic part is to be added at the end of a gene to stop transcription. false false _848_ 0 24186 9 In stock false The reason we chose this part for our project is that it is a simple terminator and forms one stem loop. Nothing in the sequence was changed from the obtained version from the parts registry. false Ashley Henderson BBa_J23104 1 BBa_J23104 constitutive promoter family member 2006-08-03T11:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:08:40Z isolated from library of promoters replace later false false _52_ 0 483 95 In stock true N/A true John Anderson BBa_J23110 1 BBa_J23110 constitutive promoter family member 2006-08-16T11:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:08:40Z Later Later false true _52_ 0 483 95 In stock true N/A true John Anderson BBa_M36562 1 BBa_M36562 Estrogen Response Element- operon that the estrogen receptor beta binds to 2014-10-23T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:14:05Z The sequence we used was obtained from this research article. "Cooperative Estrogen Receptor Interaction with Consensus or Variant Estrogen Responsive Elements in Vitro" Carolyn M. Klinge, Franklin V. Peale, Jr., Russell Hilf, et al. This part is a short sequence that the estrogen receptor beta attaches to after it detects estrogen and forms a homodimer. When bound to this ERE site, the estrogen receptor can activate or deactivate transcription. false false _848_ 0 24186 9 Not in stock false We used the sequence CTG as the "NNN" in the center of the sequence design. false Ashley Henderson BBa_M36560 1 BBa_M36560 cDNA of ESR2 Gene 2014-10-23T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:14:05Z This sequence comes from human DNA, but the sequence used in the part is the cDNA format in oder to avoid the necessity of splicing the mRNA produced before translation (something that prokaryotic cells are not capable of). The cDNA sequence was obtained from the website and the link to the specific page is listed here: This is the cDNA Sequence of the human ESR2 (or ER-Beta) gene. It encodes for a protein which responds to estrogen (specifically estradiol) levels in the cells environment. false false _848_ 0 24157 9 Not in stock false In finding the ESR2 coding sequence, we had to be sure to use the cDNA sequence as that would not need to be cut apart as a full cDNA sequence would. Using the cDNA sequence made our part shorter and increased its versatility, as it could now be used in prokaryotic cells. false Michael Raitor BBa_M36558 1 BBa_M36558 PoPS estrogen receptor beta and ERE operon. 2014-10-23T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:14:05Z The parts that make up this composite are as follows and in this order: BBa_J23110 BBa_M36559 BBa_M36560 BBa_M36561 BBa_J23104 BBa_M36562 They come from both the parts registry and are edited basic parts that we manually added to the registry. This composite part is designed to code for the Estrogen Receptor Beta and has a promoter and operon at the end that is designed to arrest transcription of whatever gene follows the promoter at the end of our composite part when estrogen is detected. The parts that make up the composite are the promoter, which is a strong, general E. coli promoter, a medium strength ribosome binding site, the cDNA for estrogen receptor beta, the stop codon, the general terminator which arrests transcription, the strong, general E. coli promoter for the gene that follows ER beta, and the ERE operon that ER beta can bind to to arrest transcription of the gene that follows the ER beta gene. false false _848_ 0 24186 9 Not in stock false In our design we ordered the basic parts into a precise order that would allow the ER beta to be made and able to arrest the transcription of the the gene that follows by binding to the ERE operon. false Ashley Henderson component2429328 1 BBa_M36560 component2429326 1 BBa_J23110 component2429327 1 BBa_M36559 component2429331 1 BBa_M36562 component2429329 1 BBa_M36561 component2429330 1 BBa_J23104 annotation2429329 1 BBa_M36561 range2429329 1 1648 1727 annotation2429328 1 BBa_M36560 range2429328 1 55 1647 annotation2429326 1 BBa_J23110 range2429326 1 1 35 annotation2429331 1 BBa_M36562 range2429331 1 1763 1777 annotation2429330 1 BBa_J23104 range2429330 1 1728 1762 annotation2429327 1 BBa_M36559 range2429327 1 36 54 BBa_M36559 1 BBa_M36559 RBS and Spacer 2014-10-23T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:14:05Z This part uses a RBS in the iGEM registry that did not include a 6 Bp spacer. This part is based on the standard RBS BBa_J34803 found in the iGEM Registry. This part is a short RBS with a spacer of 6 Bp attached to the end. false false _848_ 0 24157 9 Not in stock false The only design considerations we had to take into account was picking a spacer of 6Bp and adding it to the end of BBa_J34803 (an already existing RBS). false Michael Raitor BBa_M36561_sequence 1 ccaggcatcaaataaaacgaaaggctcagtcgaaagactgggcctttcgttttatctgttgtttgtcggtgaacgctctc BBa_M36559_sequence 1 tcacacaggaaagtactag BBa_M36562_sequence 1 aggtcactgtgacct BBa_M36560_sequence 1 atggatatcaaaaacagcccgagcagcctgaattccccaagctcctacaactgctcccagagcattctgccgctggagcatggtagcatctacattccgagctcttatgttgacagccaccatgagtaccctgcaatgaccttctactcgccggctgtgatgaactacagcatcccgtcgaatgtcaccaacctggaaggcggcccgggtcgtcagaccacctctccgaacgttctgtggccgacgccgggtcatctgtccccgctggtcgtgcacagacaacttagccacctgtatgcagaacctcagaagtccccgtggtgtgaggcgcgcagcctggagcataccctgccggtcaaccgcgaaacgctgaagcgcaaggtcagcggtaatcgctgtgccagcccggttacgggtccgggtagcaaacgtgatgcgcatttctgcgcggtttgctctgactatgccagcggctatcactacggtgtttggtcctgtgagggctgtaaagcgttctttaagcgtagcattcaaggccacaacgactatatctgtccagcaaccaatcagtgcacgattgacaagaatcgtcgtaagtcgtgccaagcgtgtcgtctgcgtaagtgctacgaggtcggtatggttaagtgcggcagccgtcgcgagcgttgcggctaccgtctggtgcgccgtcagcgtagcgcagatgaacagttgcactgcgcgggtaaggccaaacgcagcggtggccacgcaccgcgcgttcgtgagctgctgctggacgcgctgtccccggaacaactggtgctgactctgctggaagcggagccgcctcacgtgctgatcagccgtccgtctgcgccgttcactgaggcgagcatgatgatgagcctgacgaaactggccgataaagaattagttcacatgattagctgggcgaaaaagattccgggctttgtggaactgtctctgtttgatcaagttcgcttgctggagagctgttggatggaagttctgatgatgggtctgatgtggcgtagcatcgatcatccgggcaaattgattttcgcaccagacttggttctggaccgtgacgagggtaagtgcgtcgagggtattctggagatctttgacatgctgctggcgacgaccagccgcttccgtgagctgaaactgcagcacaaagaatatctgtgtgtcaaagcgatgattctgctgaatagctccatgtatccgttggttaccgctacccaagatgcagatagctcacgtaaattggcgcatctgctcaatgcagtcaccgatgccctggtctgggtgatcgctaagagcggtatcagcagccagcaacagagcatgcgtctggcgaacttgctgatgctgctgagccacgtgcgtcacgcaagcaacaaaggtatggaacatctgctgaacatgaaatgcaaaaatgtagtgccggtgtacgacttgctgttggaaatgctgaacgcccacgtcctgcgcggttgcaagagcagcatcaccggtagcgagtgtagcccggctgaggacagcaagagcaaggaaggctctcaaaatccgcagagccagtaa BBa_J23104_sequence 1 ttgacagctagctcagtcctaggtattgtgctagc BBa_J23110_sequence 1 tttacggctagctcagtcctaggtacaatgctagc BBa_M36558_sequence 1 tttacggctagctcagtcctaggtacaatgctagctcacacaggaaagtactagatggatatcaaaaacagcccgagcagcctgaattccccaagctcctacaactgctcccagagcattctgccgctggagcatggtagcatctacattccgagctcttatgttgacagccaccatgagtaccctgcaatgaccttctactcgccggctgtgatgaactacagcatcccgtcgaatgtcaccaacctggaaggcggcccgggtcgtcagaccacctctccgaacgttctgtggccgacgccgggtcatctgtccccgctggtcgtgcacagacaacttagccacctgtatgcagaacctcagaagtccccgtggtgtgaggcgcgcagcctggagcataccctgccggtcaaccgcgaaacgctgaagcgcaaggtcagcggtaatcgctgtgccagcccggttacgggtccgggtagcaaacgtgatgcgcatttctgcgcggtttgctctgactatgccagcggctatcactacggtgtttggtcctgtgagggctgtaaagcgttctttaagcgtagcattcaaggccacaacgactatatctgtccagcaaccaatcagtgcacgattgacaagaatcgtcgtaagtcgtgccaagcgtgtcgtctgcgtaagtgctacgaggtcggtatggttaagtgcggcagccgtcgcgagcgttgcggctaccgtctggtgcgccgtcagcgtagcgcagatgaacagttgcactgcgcgggtaaggccaaacgcagcggtggccacgcaccgcgcgttcgtgagctgctgctggacgcgctgtccccggaacaactggtgctgactctgctggaagcggagccgcctcacgtgctgatcagccgtccgtctgcgccgttcactgaggcgagcatgatgatgagcctgacgaaactggccgataaagaattagttcacatgattagctgggcgaaaaagattccgggctttgtggaactgtctctgtttgatcaagttcgcttgctggagagctgttggatggaagttctgatgatgggtctgatgtggcgtagcatcgatcatccgggcaaattgattttcgcaccagacttggttctggaccgtgacgagggtaagtgcgtcgagggtattctggagatctttgacatgctgctggcgacgaccagccgcttccgtgagctgaaactgcagcacaaagaatatctgtgtgtcaaagcgatgattctgctgaatagctccatgtatccgttggttaccgctacccaagatgcagatagctcacgtaaattggcgcatctgctcaatgcagtcaccgatgccctggtctgggtgatcgctaagagcggtatcagcagccagcaacagagcatgcgtctggcgaacttgctgatgctgctgagccacgtgcgtcacgcaagcaacaaaggtatggaacatctgctgaacatgaaatgcaaaaatgtagtgccggtgtacgacttgctgttggaaatgctgaacgcccacgtcctgcgcggttgcaagagcagcatcaccggtagcgagtgtagcccggctgaggacagcaagagcaaggaaggctctcaaaatccgcagagccagtaaccaggcatcaaataaaacgaaaggctcagtcgaaagactgggcctttcgttttatctgttgtttgtcggtgaacgctctcttgacagctagctcagtcctaggtattgtgctagcaggtcactgtgacct igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 James Alastair McLaughlin Chris J. Myers 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z