BBa_R1050 1 cI HK022 Promoter, Standard (HK022 cI regulated) <br> 2003-01-31T12:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:14:15Z Bacteriophage HK022. Released HQ 2013 [Note: This is the same part as R0050 except that the -10 and -35 sites and spacing have been changed to comply with BBa_S0001].<br><br> The pR regulatory region is a 98 base-pair sequence with standard BioBrick prefix and suffix sections on its ends. It contains two operator sites at which HK022 cI protein can bind cooperatively. The -35 and -10 regions from pR are included along with some flanking sequences. The cutoff for the 5' end of the regulatory region was placed just after the pM -10 region which promotes transcription of a gene upstream (thus the pM -10 region is not included). The cutoff for the 3' end of the regulatory region was placed immediately prior to the RBS. </p> false false _1_ 0 24 7 In stock false <P> <P>Derived from <genbank>STHK022N</genbank>.<br> Modified to comply with BBa_S0001:<br> TTGACA-17N-GATACT<br><P> Literature claims that there is no cross-talk between HK022 cI regulatory region, Lambda cI, 434 cI and P22 cI, but this has not been verified experimentally by the synthetic biology group at MIT. true Reshma Shetty, Drew Endy annotation7073 1 BBa_R1050 range7073 1 1 56 annotation2070 1 putative range2070 1 44 44 annotation2071 1 -10 range2071 1 31 36 annotation2067 1 OR1 range2067 1 38 52 annotation2065 1 -35 range2065 1 8 14 annotation2066 1 OR2 range2066 1 14 28 BBa_R1050_sequence 1 ttaggtattgacatgtactatcagttccgtgatactatgaaccataagttcaccac igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z