BBa_Z0105 1 BBa_Z0105 T7 gene 0.6B 2005-04-04T11:00:00Z 2015-05-08T01:14:54Z T7 genome reannotation open reading frame from gene 0.6B There is a single base insertion from wild-type T7 genome, that would lead to a pre-mature termination, if the frameshift is +1 bases, as described in T7 genome paper. false false _10_ 0 250 10 Not in stock false It is unclear if the 0.6A/B dual protein production is due to a frameshift or the TGA stop-codon readthrough of 0.6A, which would give a 120aa instead of a 111aa from the frameshift. false T7.2 annotation1476451 1 theoretical premature ribosome termination due to mutation/insertion range1476451 1 283 285 annotation1476450 1 single base insertion difference, in Molineux's stock range1476450 1 262 262 BBa_Z0105_sequence 1 atgatgaagcactacgttatgccaatccacacgtccaacggggcaaccgtatgtacacctgatgggttcgcaatgaaacaacgaatcgaacgccttaagcgtgaactccgcattaaccgcaagattaacaagataggttccggctatgacagaacgcactgatggcttaaagaaaggttatatgcccaatggcacactatacgctgcaaatcggcgaatagtgagaacttggcgagagaacaacctcgaacgccgcaaggaacaagagagggcggcgtggcatagacgaaaggaaaaggttaaagccaagaaactcgccgcacttgaacaggcactag igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z