BBa_Z0502BBa_Z0502 Version 1 (Component)Bacteriophage T7.2 -- design optimization
BBa_Z0503BBa_Z0503 Version 1 (Component)T7.2 revision 3
BBa_Z0504BBa_Z0504 Version 1 (Component)T7.2 Design Revision D
BBa_Z0505BBa_Z0505 Version 1 (Component)T7.2 Revision E
BBa_Z0506BBa_Z0506 Version 1 (Component)T7.2 Revision F
BBa_I20297BBa_I20297 Version 1 (Component)RBS from T7 gene 4 + Z0301 (venus)
BBa_I20300BBa_I20300 Version 1 (Component)RBS from T7 gene 4, optimal aligned spacing + Z0301 venus YFP
iGEM Parts Registryigem_collection Version 1 (Collection)The iGEM Registry is a growing collection of genetic parts that can be mixed and matched to build synthetic biology devices and systems. As part of the synthetic biology community's efforts to make biology easier to engineer, it provides a source of genetic parts to iGEM teams and academic labs.
BBa_K177004BBa_K177004 Version 1 (Component)bistable_1_R