Types | DnaRegion
Roles | CDS
Sequences | BBa_I716209_sequence (Version 1)
colicin activity protein - Dnase for bacteria self-destruct mechanism
without a start codon so inactive
PCR sil02F and sil02R on colE2 colicin region (1758bp, BglII/XhoI)
Sub into pBca9145-Bca1089 (BglII/XhoI, 2063+696, L)
Product is pBca9145-I716209
sil02F Forward BglII biobrick of ceaB ccaaaAGATCTagcggtggcgatggacgcgg
sil02R Reverse XholI/BamHI biobrick of ceaB gctagCTCGAGttaGGATCCttacttaccccgatgaatatc
PCR sil02F and sil02R on colE2 colicin region (1758bp, BglII/XhoI)
Sub into pBca9145-Bca1089 (BglII/XhoI, 2063+696, L)
Product is pBca9145-I716209
sil02F Forward BglII biobrick of ceaB ccaaaAGATCTagcggtggcgatggacgcgg
sil02R Reverse XholI/BamHI biobrick of ceaB gctagCTCGAGttaGGATCCttacttaccccgatgaatatc