Types | DnaRegion
Roles | Regulatory
Sequences | BBa_J119376_sequence (Version 1)
Mutations were introduced into the Ptac promoter using NNNNNN in place of the TTGACA of the -35 region. Synthetic oligonucleotides carry the 4096 possible sequences were cloned via Golden Gate Assembly into pClone Red. A total of 81 different promoters were picked. The DNA sequence of the 81 mutant promoters was determined and their strength was measured by fluorometry (see BBa_J119375). A weighted method of consensus building was developed that assigned a score to each base in each -35 region based on the RFP expression of the mutant promoter that contained it. The resulting pClone -35 Consensus produced is shown below.
Four variants of the consensus were cloned into a simplified promoter sequence to test the effect of sequence context surrounding the -35 region. The simplified promoter is called Psimp1 and is derived from De Mey et al. (2007) MC Biotechnol 7:34. Below are images and fluorescent data that show the strength of the Psimp1 promoter with the TTGACA consensus and four variants of the pClone -35 Consensus sequence.
Synthetic oligonucleotides.