Types | DnaRegion
Roles | mature_transcript_region
Sequences | BBa_J23008_sequence (Version 1)
This part has the same homology region to J01122 as J23007 except that unlike J23007, J23008 does not contain the hairpin that was derived from J01129. J23008 anneals linearly to the stem of the hairpin in J01122 with perfect base pairing and destroys the hairpin in the process and reveals the RBS on J01122. When J01122 is transcribed the RNA secondary structure is such that the RBS hairpins with sequence upstream preventing the ribosome from binding and translation from occuring thereby locking up RFP further down stream. When J23008 is introduced into the cell in trans, we suspect that it will unlock the RBS for RFP as described above allowing translation to occur.
No design considerations